How can I check my watchbox by website?

I can’t find the watch faces in my watchbox via facer website, can someone show me the link?
I got lots faces in my watchbox, it would be much more convenient if I can manage them by my pc.

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I have the same issue. I’ve looked at every option on the site, with no luck. This seems a big shortcoming in the website.

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Same here. I would like to manage my watchbox.

@hpipiw & @bakersfieldbobt
I’m sorry nobody answered this question for you but thankfully @csmb2_82 brought it back up.

The watchbox on the website is under your favorites. If you navigate to your profile you will find your favorites listed next to any other collections you have made. Here’s a screenshot of mine so you can see.

Once again, sorry your question was not answered but hopefully you were able to figure it out and not have to wait months for an answer.

Thank you! I found it :slight_smile:

But can I remove some watchfaces from the list? (of course on website)

I don’t believe so at this point. You can remove them on the app but hopefully they will be adding more customization options for favorites soon.