How to become a Premium Designer and sell your watch face designs on Facer

Hi Zeus,

  1. Did you fill the form?
  2. 2.2k followers and are you following 0?? Aren’t there anything interesting which deserves been followed?
  3. Keep up the good job! I really love some of your desings.

@ZEUS Maybe it has something to do with you constantly ripping watchmaker creators images from their faces and using them to rebuild faces on here as your own? Why don’t you remove this one from your page right now and I’ll send you some links to others as I come across them. I draw everything I have ever made be it an original or a replica from scratch and mark them in a way I know the graphics are mine lol. This is actually a replica of a DWISS M2 watch. Probably taken from a gwd version I made and not wm though. Hell you even rip Samsung Galaxy store sellers original paid faces like Broda.


Hi @riczurdo,

  1. Yes, I did.
  2. I never thought I’d follow. :slight_smile:
  3. Very very thanks.

As I mentioned before, my English is bad.
I’m sorry.


Do I have to delete these original copies?

Hi Zeus,

You may keep’em as a draft for your personal use. Keep only original and own designs, no copies, no replicates. Then, fill the form again.


Thanks for information.


@riczurdo is right… if you want to become premium all your watch faces must be originally made by you. Otherwise they will not let you go this step. And i think you can do it. You seem to be skilled in Photoshop.

Greetings, GAUSS.

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Yes. Hehe I told him the same. He is skilly

I’il take into account what you say.

By the way, your language is too complicated. :slight_smile:

I am Turkish

I don’t know what to say. :frowning:

Thank you all.

Respects , by ZEUS

ma non trovo ,per aggiungere la batteria,gps ecc,cosa sbaglio?

hai ragione,calcolando che tutti lavoriamo…arriviamo la sera stanchi e ci mettiamo al pc/ mac per fare delle face di qualità,e poi la valutazione sono le condivisioni in 1 mese…mi sembra surreale, calcolare noln la qualità, ma la condivisione o caricamento dalla face.hai ragione al 100%


in Creator, gli strumenti a sinistra sono gli unici strumenti che puoi aggiungere a un progetto Facer. Ad esempio, puoi aggiungere del testo (a sinistra). In fondo, clicca sul razzo e apparirà una nuova finestra sulla destra. Nella parte superiore della nuova finestra puoi aggiungere TAGS. Il TAG per la batteria è #BLN#


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Good italian @jmorga106 :slight_smile:

native Italian dad + some bad Italian + some Google translated Italian = good Italian :grin:


I have been encountering the same issue. But it looks like you made it since this post, so I have hope! lol
P.S. I’m guessing that racking up the same amount of followers, who are all women just takes more time since there’s less of us? idk

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The criteria has changed since this discussion was started.
Refer to:

Not according to the Facer Creator Level page. You will find that the Pro Level DOES NOT allow you to sell your watch faces. You HAVE to be a Facer Partner level to be able to sell and it is INVITE ONLY.

I thought that was why there is a shopping cart icon next to the Pro designs.
Guess I’d better edit my post.Thanks for the info.

I may be wrong on this, but I think that shopping cart means that only pro level people can download that watch face. Free users like myself can’t download them.

UPDATE: I checked on a watch face with a yellow shopping cart icon. When you hover your mouse pointer over it, an info label pops up saying “Get Facer Premium to sync”. So Facer is making money off of you with a Pro account to make free faces with complications on them. And they also make money on users with premium accounts to be able to use them. BUT you get nothing for your effort. (Except maybe pride in accomplishment for making a nice face people like.)

Thanks for looking into that. Apparently, that is how it works. The star and shopping cart icons are a bit confusing.