Image sequencer

ok you have the the frames? ill PM you one sec, see if that works for you. it does it for me everytime

To further clarify, I have the sequence already generated. The issue is that Facer creator flips back to the first frame in the series :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes indeed. It´s not a gif creation / frame separation issue. Its a creator image sequence issue. Maybe @Facer_Official tell us why the image sequence goes back to first frame at the end of non-looping sequence…


Yes :smiley: I have whipped something up but it would work a lot better if there was a way to tag ‘time since toggle was clicked’…Is that possible?

Ups! That I cant help, I have no toggle tools yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol dangit! I think this will likely be something for the almighty @eradicator09, @GAUSS, @Mellin , @Tomas or @GRR. Keen to hear any other suggestions though :slight_smile:

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@carlosfilippa yea i just made a gif and constructed it to stop on last frame which it does, except when its in the facer creator, ithe creator totally ignores the single loop command I gave it when made outside the creator

You could always make the image sequence move of screen with a axis movement on the last frame (tied to time), then have your static image behind it.

Do you have an example of how I’d do that? My solution was just to make the first frame clear/transparent and pop the last static frame underneath :slight_smile: Works okay… but I’m not sure if that will let me make more complex interactions…We shall see :smiley:

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Changed ‘perfectly’ to ‘works okay’ haha

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Oh, ok, it’s a Creator issue. I thought you were building a .gif prior to using Creator.

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Yeah sorry for the confusion :slight_smile:

No apology necessary. It’s not your fault, Roy. I was multitasking as usual and reading too quickly.

Thanks all! And shoutout to @tomas, @syntaxracing and @eradicator09 for their awesome suggestions in separate threads on a similar topic - We’re definitely cooking now! :slight_smile: