[Idea] Increase Onscreen Time

Im not sure if this goes under support or new features but…is there a way to increase the length of onscreen time (active mode)?
It seems very short like 5 sec. It would be nice if I could increase it to 15 sec.


Yeah, good call, Tizen has a ‘Screen Timeout’’ in the display setting user selectable (15 sec, 30 sec, 1min and 5mins) but this does not seem to correspond to how long a Facer face is displayed. @Facer_Official would be nice to know what the Facer default is and whether it could be user selectable in the watch/phone app

@hayden are you saying Facer doesn’t follow the screen timeout setting in the watch itself? That’d be a bug.

Our philosophy is to match whatever the OS/hardware allows and leave it at that. There are tricks to increase the onscreen time beyond what the OS normally allows, but this would negatively impact the battery life and overall experience. Not good for users, the maker of the smartwatch, of Facer.

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This is more of a suggestion than reporting a bug issue (if its not already an option I don’t know about).
Some popular watches have a setting called “length of interactive mode” under screen options that allows you to keep the watchface active for a chosen period of time (5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec) for example. It gives you more time to see the watchface without having to constantly flick your wrist or tap the screen.
Although if it’s too long (5min) it may hinder the battery life, adding a few seconds more (up to 10 sec, 15 sec for example) would be a nice option. But at the choice of the user.
I didn’t notice this option on facer so I was asking if it exists. But since it doesn’t, I simply put it as a suggested feature to add.

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The StayLit app in Google playstore has been mentioned here a few times. Excellent app and you can quickly adjust the stay alive time.


As a new annual subscriber, the fact that I can’t extend the watch-default duration of Facer on screen time from an idiotic 5s to anything longer is unacceptable. This should be a user option hands down. And don’t lecture me about battery life. Customers have been asking for this for years, and Facer has apparently ignored the feedback. For me it’s a dealbreaker and I’m cancelling my sub.

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It doesn’t affect Facer faces though.

It did for me… I bought it and it worked.
I’m not using it anymore though, because my watch got an update and now has screen timeout as a native setting…

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I second this @Facer_Official
I’m a new subscriber and have figured out that FaceEr faces do not follow my selection of screen timeout (set to 1min) on my Active 2 and I cannot find a solution to do otherwise. To limit your faces beyond the native capabilities of the device is just silly; and I can make battery management choices myself and don’t need Facer to force that choice on me. If I cannot sort a solution, that does not include a 3rd party app, within the day I’ll be canceling and requesting a refund. Which is sad because I found some I love. But, the native store is growing daily so I’ll be fine.

Correct. It does not follow the the timeout setting in the watch. This is easily developer testable.

It was pointed out to me in another thread that Facer does follow the Samsung screen timeout, BUT what I didn’t know before hand was that if you use wrist movement to activate the watch both Facer and Samsung faces only stay lit for a few seconds. If you tap the screen or press the top right button they both will stay on for however long you have your screen timeout set for. I’ve had Samsung watches for over two years and I’d always wondered why my watch wasn’t staying on for the timeout I had set.


I’ve tested it both ways, and turned both devices off twice. When on a Samsung face it obeys my setting on a facer face it does not.

Thank you Mr Antisocial Sir, I never knew that :astonished: Just tested the Button Press on my Galaxy 46" and the Face (that I created here on Facer) does indeed stay displayed for my set time, whereas the wrist flick wake up gesture only stays on for approximately 4 seconds…awesome, thank you very much for the Lesson Learnt my friend :clap:

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Good afternoon! mrantisocialguy
So I understand, for the screen to work (facer.io) … more time for example 10 seconds or 15 … (in OS clocks …) I have to turn off the function (screen turned on by movement)?

На часах Samsung, если у вас установлен тайм-аут экрана на одну минуту и вы используете кнопку или касаетесь экрана, он будет оставаться включенным в течение одной минуты. Если вы наклоните запястье, как при обычном «взгляде на движение часов», оно останется только на десять или около того секунд. Нет необходимости отключать «движение запястья». Просто знайте, что движение запястья будет длиться меньше, чем установленный вами тайм-аут. На WearOS только самые новые версии имеют сбрасываемый тайм-аут для экрана. Мой Fossil Carlyle Я могу установить тайм-аут. На моем Fossil Q Explorer, который я использую только для тестирования, я не могу настроить тайм-аут.

On a Samsung watch if you have the screen timeout set for one minute and use a button or touch the screen, it will stay on for one minute. If you tilt your wrist like a normal “look at your watch movement” it will only stay on ten or so seconds. There is no need to turn off “wrist movement”. Just know that wrist movement will last shorter than your preset timeout setting. On WearOS only the newest ones have a resetable timeout for the screen. My Fossil Carlyle I can set my timeout. On my Fossil Q Explorer that I only use for testing I can not adjust my timeout.

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I just got to test my watch … (Samsung gear sport MS-R600) … Turning off the function of “turn on screen with hand movement” works perfectly with Facer.io … That is, in the Samsung watch it I have with the parameters in 15 seconds, the screen retention on … Either working with the faces of Samsung, or Facer.io … "the screen stayed on in 15 seconds, perfectly … And it is very comfortable also like this …
With facer.io it works perfectly.
Спасибо большое mrantisocialguy!!!:wink::+1::100: за информацию
Muchas gracias mrantisocialguy por la información muy importante :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand::100: