[SOLVED] How To Fix Animated Watch Face Previews

That’s perfect @angelodefensor! Thank you!

Sorry, yeah, my background was white anyway. You would need to use the desert background for your blocker.

Your layers must be ordered like so:

  • head & neck bobble layers (dynamic transparency - invisible in preview, visible in action)
  • static body (100 - visible in preview and in action)
  • background landscape block ($(#Dsm#-#Ds#)>0&&(#Dsm#-#Ds#)<=1?100:0$ - invisible in preview, visible in action)
  • head & neck static preview (100 - visible in preview, visible but blocked in action)

:grin:Thank you! I really appreciate all this help. My head wasn’t wrapping around the proper way to do this for some reason. I’ve been trying for months to get this fixed, and now I am working on updating all my faces that were having this issue. Thank you everybody :grinning:

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is this design open for inspection? I think I have an idea I want to try. Possibly making a duplicate spring and head that are only visible when time equals 12:00.

Apparently it wasn’t. I have it open now. :slight_smile:

Preview looks fine for me:

Oh yes I have it fixed now. Apologies, I thought you just wanted to try some other things out. @pacingpoet and @angelodefensor both had working ideas that I was able to implement on this and a few other faces I had out there with this issue. Thank you! :relaxed:

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