Another of my latest designs

This is awesome, upperclass

Yes, looks amazing!

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Simple digital, with some information and animation on wakeup from dim. Please try it…


Thank you everyone for your appreciation…

Please Try this new one. Simple Future Analog with some animations on wake up…


Please Try this. 2nd Version with light screen and Full display in AOD.

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Hello. Love your designs and most of all your color selection. It is strong and powerful, which means also very readable. There is also a very sound choice of different concepts. That means creativity is on. My favorite is your first. I love what you did with the seconds too. So keep it up, never stop learning, that is one of the secrets of evolution.


Thank you for your appreciation…

Please try this new one…

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Please try. It’s the new one of my design.

I like the layout a lot, very nice, The greenish color is not so my thing, but that is just me.

The DIM mode, I would try to reflect the cool look not just the key information in grey on black background. You could add some “light”.


Here the picture I use quite often for this which you can color:


Thank you for your advice. Actually I can display everything in DIM mode except the animated ones including the display of seconds. But in this version, my consideration is to save more energy on the display screen, so that it only displays some information even without the main frame of the clock.
Maybe after this I will update it by displaying everything in DIM mode like in most watch faces I have made. For example, as shown below.
Anyway, thanks again for the advice.


Try with another color…


A nice design, but the text is way to smal for my tired eyes.

Yes… I will try to make it bigger. Of course there will be updates to the layout too. And thank you for your attention. Wait for the update with many changes with several additions to the information display.




the blue one is my favourite

Thanks’ Bro.

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Animation Color with another design.


Nice design!
Question: Witch font do yo use for indicating the time?
Perhaps you can make the font of the running text a bit bigger