CAT-Hi guys im politely asking for 4 or 5 followers

hi if it is possible within you (people reading this) i have been making watches on this platform
currently i have 64 watches-my watches are very busy all have been made by myself from scratch(original)
they have hardly any information(mostly time date and battery)-.i have many synchs and likes which i am greatful for receiving-they are picture based(original collages)-themed-i am politely asking for 4 or 5 followers
which i would be most greatful for receiving-(thanks very much in advance)-i have 20 at the moment(also greatful for-thank you)-may you have a great day be inspired-and live long and prosper-dont know what else to say-hopefully i said it politely and not obnoxious-thanks-my account nickname and user name is cat

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BATWOLF u like the post then follow me-i follow u back-i was so happy to have u follow me-just the 1 follow made me happy and u seem like a pro with 20 faces and 664 followers-nonetheless it was a follow-thats really cruel-think b4 you do things

Please see my reply at your other post: To facer and batwolf pls read