Estou procurando em circulo de minutos com números 0 ,5, 10…
Se possível de 0 a 60 minutos…mas eu creio que ficaria muito pequeno…
Hello, I’m looking for a circle of minutes with the numbers 0, 5, 10… If possible from 0 to 60 minutes… but I think it would be too small…
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I am in Bed now. No translation. I will look through my stuff. There are a lot of style questions. 00 05 10 15 20. Numbrrs rotated or parallel to the floor. Perhaps you could try make a sketch for style indication.
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Look there are a few here.
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This is kind of like what I mean.
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Sim meu amigo…Yes my friend
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So Which one ?
What Font ?
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Oi amigo,
Poderia por favor dar uma olhada…e dizer onde estou errando?
Hi friend, Could you please take a look… and tell me where I’m going wrong?
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Ha Ha
DWFHS is 0-360 in 24 hours
DWFKS is 0-360 in 12 hours
You were very close .
You need to look at the documentation .
Ha Ha
DWFHS é 0-360 em 24 horas
DWFKS é 0-360 em 12 horas
Você estava muito perto.
Você precisa olhar para a documentação.
Tags are the central construct of Facer's engine. They represent dynamic values that get automatically updated by the engine based on various inputs, sensors, etc. You can use tags in attributes of...
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You are doing well . You are trying to tackle some advanced stuff . I am trying to send you some images but there is something wrong with my PC right now .
Você está indo bem . Você está tentando lidar com algumas coisas avançadas. Estou tentando enviar algumas imagens, mas há algo errado com meu PC agora.
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O que acha meu amigo?
What do you think my friend?
Yeah good . Check some of you AOD/ DIM mode stuff.
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Amigo…pode me ajudar como colocar o clima em imagens coloridas?
Friend…can you help me how to put the mood in color images?
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So you have to answer some questions .
Images for the background or to replace the Roses ?
How many Images ?
What timing ?
Então você tem que responder a algumas perguntas.
Imagens para o fundo ou para substituir as Rosas?
Quantas Imagens?
Que tempo?
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Na verdade…aquelas imagens que já vem no Facer, sol, nuvens, etc…só que eu queria que fosse coloridas.
In fact…those images that already come on Facer, sun, clouds, etc…I just wanted them to be in color…
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Different colours depending on the Weather ? Time of day ?
Cores diferentes dependendo do clima? Hora do dia ?
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OK…I thought I had to color it in another process…thanks!!!
OK…eu achava ter que colorir em um outro processo…valeu!!!
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