Miilliseconds skipping

I created this watch face

When I first published it, the anomation ran smoothly. Now however, I’m going to assume after some update, it lags.
I thought there was too much happing, but I made a test face just to show millisecond lag. Just 2 lines, and there it was - lag. It’s hard to explain, unless you see it.
Anyone else notice this?

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I have just synced Both of those . Not certain at this stage what OUCH does . I had the Impression that WALTER was supposed to be Flashy . One thing I think is , I see you said you were showing the frames at 19 FPS . There is a feeling that our Watches work on at 15 FPS . Ther might be some strobing there .Not easy to change that with your Frame by Frame animation stratergy . I think I am right in saying a GIF is developed to Morph between frames thus covering the jumps . When we were doing effects we had to film everthing we did and analize it , often at high speed to see what was going on . I will video them later and let you know the results .


Not sure what I am looking at till I get on my Laptop .


I put this in your WALTER image layers but Creator will not SIM it . I am sure it is right . I find looking at your images I see there is not a lot of continuity in the squares on the front ramp . So it is always going to be flashy .
Will give you 0 -19 at 12 FPS


A better example of what I’m talking about. This also had previously been a smooth second floating hand.

Also check the updated “ouch”.
It appears the #Dsm# is going too fast at .000 to .300 you can see that on ouch.
I’m not really sure what is happening beind the scenes with #DWFSS#, bt it appears to not do the skip (or fast forward).


Yes . I see more clearly the issue on Cooper . I will have to look at the Inspectable out . I think there are some power saving things going on by the main players . I think it possibly not a Facer thing . There are strange goings on with the millisecond timers on WFS .
I struggle to see the issue on OUCH I forget which one is Dsm and the labels are not showing .

Actually I think the #Dsm# tag is broken in preview. To me it seems, it returns values without the zeros behind decimal point between .001 and .1

Just add text field with that tag and try to play and stop the preview to catch it in between these times.
I made me a test face where I exaggerated this with two 5 times faster second hands.
On my S3 frontier it seems to work ok.


Nice illustration Peter . Now all we need is @Facer_Official or @admins to have a look at this . Shame if these Timers will not work for us . it is a but clumsy using #DNOW# ( when that is working )


I think easier would be to use (#DWFSS#/6), in places where #Dsm# was needed, until it eventually gets fixed.


Yeah I tend to use that as well . It is good for orbiting stuff and it is not as big as DNOW although I realise they all get processed from it .

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I suppose I will make a copy of cooper and try (#DWFSS#/6). Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


You got a spare 100ms there guys .
Trapped with a video .