This “background removal” thing: What would it help in my case? Can’t get my head around it yet, I’m afraid. You mean I could compose something in creator, then extract watch hands and such from it to use separately?
Give me a sec. Watch this space.
After clicking experiment with this:
Hit DEL, check, resize to 640x640 seems to be the consensus here. Save as hand.
Note the cleanup needed at the edge there. I could possibly have been better with the tolerance.
That circle formula is about all I remember from school, I’m afraid. The apex of my knowledge Been a while, too, about 50 years or so
Ah, I see! Thx for showing me! Yeah, I do this with Photoshop. Took the plunge for the All Adobe Apps abo because I already pay for two of them for work (InDesign & InCopy). Idea in this special case was to not use any images, only creator shapes. But I had to break this self imposed restriction with the background image because of the moon shadow Had to puncture a hole in it.
Completely understood. My Fusion faces use text only for elements but a mask image overlay. I do have a few text only faces though, where the whole thing is nothing but fonts. And, above, the facer elements only challenge we ran a few years back.
Thanks for that. Here’s my summary for Facer
| -Centre |-Speed
| |-Length | |-Required Offset for zero at the top
In reply to your question Yes and Yes . Rather than learning up a GFX App you could carry on using Creator as your Graphics Tablet . But the Colour removal tool that Rob has shown is probably the Better ting to learn .
In reply to your question Yes and Yes . Rather than learning up a GFX App you could carry on using Creator as your Graphics Tablet . But the Colour removal tool that Rob has shown is probably the Better ting to learn .
I agree completely. I just needed some kinda “proof of concept” for myself to be able to bin it and be done with it. The tool IS neat, I must say. Photoshop can do the same (and more) but is clunky at best of times. Steep learning curve - been using it for ages now (not always “legally” in the past, I admit), and I used about 0.5 % of its features yet. A behemoth of an app.
I used Painshop Pro until my ‘Free’ version stopped working, Win10 I think.
Never got on with photoshop and its lack of toolbars. I always tend for the simpler ones as long as they have decent plugins.
Yes PS is very Daunting . I actually use SKETCHBOOK PRO for a lot of stuff .Which used to be Free . But it shifts stuff off centre a little when you import it . I am lucky to have a CAD App that I have used for years . But that makes stuff that is very Technical .
Goddess, CAD Tried to draw the body of a DIY bass guitar last year with an AutoCAD trial. Took me the complete 15 trial days, I think. It’s not for me, sadly. WOuld love to be able to use such a thing, but the amount of discipline and concentration necessary beyond me
I used it for many years at work . Mostly Basic stuff for Laser cutting and Milling Machines . Not until I started Facer did I get into Rendering it . I still only do silver and gold because it is easy . AutoCAD is a Difficult place to start . Things like SketchUp are easier . But very Different .
There’s a great plugin pack for
that includes Text Formations but the first can be applied to the image instead of new text. Wait for the Fun Factory at the end that is new.
Anyway, creative text lets you take a simple hand like this:
and do things like this:
But for your text effects. Introducing the new Fun Factory:
Yes - exactly! I use two - which removes a background and which also removes backgrounds but can also make a colour transparent
ezgif does that too but also does stuff with anims. The others probably do too. I’ll check them out. Hadn’t heard of opg before. exgif is what I use to convert my screen recordings to animgif.
Seems I may want to download all this - looks fun and not overbearing like Adobe stuff. Cool, thanks!
You know, for making hands easy and fast you can even use MS Powerpoint.
Or for dials, an Excel pie chart: Easy dial makers
Would be interested to know the PP hand method. I’d been pondering something like flowchart elements for hands for more shape options than Facer
Decided to publish it - doesn’t seem to hard on the battery, and it’s kinda fun in an idiosyncratic way, I think