Telemeter scale

Thank you guys for all the help and ideas. I made me the excel calculations either, but forgot to copy the file from my other PC :sweat_smile: I am going for acuracy too and I thought it will be tedious to transfer each tick angle to the image. Thats why asked for shortcut, but you encouraged me to do it “traditional” way too. I hope to have it ready tomorrow :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing these guys. Stupid question though, how do I use/read a tachymeter? I’ve never quite figured it out? :roll_eyes:


You need to time a run through a measured mile and the Tachy reading is when you stop the watch . Great fun .


Peter . Sorry to jump the gun . It will be fantastic to have the Tachy Switch scale on user select . I presume the tick can be the same . May Be no . If you share the spread sheet with Me I will cad some of it for you . I would really like to see what you do on a spread sheet to get the Log Scale :::)))


I do no wonders, I just calculate angles for marks of round numbers that I eventually pick to display.
I have that for tele in km and miles - I thought I would make them automatically changing for user preferences metric/imperial (@kourosh made his even for naval miles, which I maybe add as secondary scale). But not tonight anymore, I have not enough concentration before sleep :slight_smile:


Tachymeter is for measuring any rate. On this scale the second hand runs from its start to a mark, how many times in hour would the observed single event occur (multiplies it, for example it takes to drive a mile 15 seconds, you are moving 240mph, or you see a part manufactured in 20s, it means there will be 180 built in an hour)


:thinking: What do you call a poorly made tachymeter?
:laughing: A tacky tachy!


Ha Ha.

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Yeah. Like the old slide rules. Amazing what you can do with them.
I was going to say I did a bit with Processing which is a Graphic off shoot of Arduino. I only used it to plot graphs of data comming from an Arduino. People use it to generate Mandelbrot and Stuff but I am not sure about the exporting. I know some CAD packages use Scripting. Some use Python. Unfortunatly I have not done an scripting on my Rhino. I would love to give it a go. Will you share your scale without the Numerals.

I created an Excel spreadsheet for calculating angles for the tachometer, pulsometer and asthometer.

If it suits you, it’s here Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.


Cool Thanks for sharing that . There are a couple of lines with data missing. Asthometer is Intresting. I supposi it is how long for 5 breaths. For me I am Intrested in the maths fof constructing the initial Tachymeter scale.

I didn’t check it much. If it helps someone I will be happy. Everyone can adjust it as needed.


Sorry @russellcresser , cant share the spreadsheet in proper way.
Try this meanwhile:


Hey Peter @petruuccios thanks so very much . I see on invents the scale in the first Column numbers that make sense for the decades . I am not certain what is happening after 360 deg on the Tachymeter Column . Both you and @petr.patocka have given me a first class education . I can not even remember what I was going to do . I think it was a circular slide rule to tell the time . Or was it a Vernier Scale . I do confuse myself . Some times it is literally like being thrown into a Big Box of Toys . Some time I worry about my Head . I could do nothing like this when I was at School . It might be something to do with the kind of instruction I am getting .

Thanks to you Both and the Whole Community .
Including those that have gone Before Us .

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Some tachymeters continue to mark further than one rotation (on a spiral).
So I used modulo of 360 to count actual angle smaller than full circle.


After exceeding 360 °, nothing interesting happens, only the measured speed is getting smaller and smaller.


Oh I see I need to spend a bit more time looking at that. I will start my own soon I am trying to help someone on slack . I am starting to get there but you would sort it in Two Minutes .

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Oh I love a spiral .

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I wish there was a sound track for the Hypnotising Cat .

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