The stupidest robot

Keep your Tags Generic . Better Chance of picking up a search term .


Yes exactly.thanks


I will go you one better. I made a watchface once with the #ZMANU# tag which displays the brand of watch it is synced to. I happened to have the image to use as the placeholder of the watchface as a Fossil and the face displayed Fossil. I lost that watchface just because it said Fossil inside the watchface and Marvin (bot) was able to read that and deleted the watchface. I republished the face and had the image set to TicWatch with no other changes and it’s still online to date. Fossil is VERY defensive of it’s brand!


Thanks for your guidance :clap:


The robot is not stupid. Quite the contrary. It has to be sensitive because people don’t follow rules. It’s a fact of life. Restrictions/automated filters have to be broad because people try to circumvent them. Unfortunately, we suffer because of it.


We’ve all been there. Try to remember to make a copy before publishing.
I often forget to do so and then I’m hoping I did everything right.

Most of my descriptions have a note: Tested on Samsung watch4 and watch5.
Never had problems or deletations because of it.


Yes . Contradicting Is it not .


This is absolutely true. But I saw many designs of Casio brand. How did they allow them to publish. While I put a wrong tag.

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Yes.Samsung tags do not have such a problem

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It’s a game of chance and luck. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I have one thing to say Mickey Mouse .


Casio is one thing; Fossil is another. Maybe it’s fine with Casio. Obviously, it’s not fine with Fossil. You could contact Casio and discuss it with them. Let us know what they say.


When I was just starting out, I tried to have designs similar to brands, once I had a design similar to Casio but it had too many changes, the robot removed it. I called BMW once and they didn’t answer, after that I decided to design it myself.

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Something similar happened to me. A design of my own that I called Navigator Pro. They blocked it due to Tissot rights, which I later found out has a model called Navigator. I made the complaint a few weeks ago and still without any response. It would be interesting if they gave me the ability to edit it and change the name but the file simply disappeared from my Create section.

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Yes Navigator was one of the early ones on this list . Why would you look there for a Normal English Word . Like Zenith or Khaki .

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@russellcresser Is that list public? Sorry if it´s a obvious question, I´m quite new! Thank you

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Yeah click the link . It is something I try to curate . Sadly Responses in a topic become old and I can not edit the list at the top of the topic . So you have to scroll down or press the " end " key and see it the list is at the bottom . The list is more for entertainment than a Comprehensive reference .

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Public yes, official no. It is “reverse engineered”, based on bad experiences.

It would be great help, if it was published and maintained somewhere in docs, which descriptions to avoid to not bump into bot. I do not intentionally use branded names, but who knows which common words did they put on list, which then cause false alarms and accusations and appeals and what not.


OK, it is also very useful. Thank you!

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Great idea!

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