[TOPIC CLOSED - see update inside] Post your watchface designs here!

Cool, i am no coder at all so wil need some help with that!
I would suggest another name tho…“complications” sound more like “errors” or “doesen’t work” :wink:

“Need to use a face that supports complications…” ?
If i design my own…doesent that already support complications?

What i also would like to do is add a countdown until next checkpoint and/or cycle. I am very bad at formula’s tho…i do have a php script that calculates the next cp. Can this be done with facer? and if yes, what would be the correct logic (without the minus 30 minutes part)?

#now in sec
now = time.time()
#cp in sec
cp = 56060
#get start of this cp
startcp = cp * math.floor(now / cp)
#the time until the next cp - 30 min
delay = startcp + cp - now - (60 * 30)

fyi, the time between checkpoints is 5 hours, the current times are:

Checkpoints for Cycle 2017.15
*) 2017-04-18 01:00 CEST

  1. 2017-04-18 06:00 CEST
  2. 2017-04-18 11:00 CEST
  3. 2017-04-18 16:00 CEST
  4. 2017-04-18 21:00 CEST
  5. 2017-04-19 02:00 CEST
  6. 2017-04-19 07:00 CEST
  7. 2017-04-19 12:00 CEST
  8. 2017-04-19 17:00 CEST
  9. 2017-04-19 22:00 CEST
  10. 2017-04-20 03:00 CEST
  11. 2017-04-20 08:00 CEST
  12. 2017-04-20 13:00 CEST
  13. 2017-04-20 18:00 CEST
  14. 2017-04-20 23:00 CEST
  15. 2017-04-21 04:00 CEST
  16. 2017-04-21 09:00 CEST
  17. 2017-04-21 14:00 CEST
  18. 2017-04-21 19:00 CEST
  19. 2017-04-22 00:00 CEST
  20. 2017-04-22 05:00 CEST
  21. 2017-04-22 10:00 CEST
  22. 2017-04-22 15:00 CEST
  23. 2017-04-22 20:00 CEST
  24. 2017-04-23 01:00 CEST
  25. 2017-04-23 06:00 CEST
  26. 2017-04-23 11:00 CEST
  27. 2017-04-23 16:00 CEST
  28. 2017-04-23 21:00 CEST
  29. 2017-04-24 02:00 CEST
  30. 2017-04-24 07:00 CEST
  31. 2017-04-24 12:00 CEST
  32. 2017-04-24 17:00 CEST
  33. 2017-04-24 22:00 CEST
  34. 2017-04-25 03:00 CEST
  35. 2017-04-25 08:00 CEST
    All times UTC+0200

opened a seperate topic for this question…


Swiss Military Series


Hi there,

[quote=“Facer_Official, post:126, topic:19, full:true”]
@bafplus that’s a complication that should be built into Android Wear 2.0 already. You just need to use a face that supports complications - we have too few right now but we’re working on making them all use the feature![/quote]

I wouldn’t want to sounds like I’m being a bit dumb or thick… But I would like to understand a little something:
Between the 2 posts above: are we all talking about the same thing?
Don’t “complications” above and “dials” or “sub-dials” in the link represent the same thing?

If not, I would love to try playing around the complications you are talking about above.
Where can I find them in creator?

Thanks for clarifying :smile:

@hayden, the swiss army line is awesome. very nice!


Thanks John, always good to get positive feedback from a fellow Facer

Hey! Here’s a watchface built to focus on weather. Changes between pictures of crochet weather ranging from sunshine to mist or thunder. It’s kind of like looking out of the window but in a far more stylish manner.
I hope you enjoy it and that it’ll give you just a lil smile even at the worst of weather.

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What a novel idea, I like it, let’s see some more

My First project ^^

With this two designs complete the series!


Super Pop Art! Watchface. With weather, humidity, battery, steps, and date. Get it here: Super Pop Art!


I wander if anyone likes it?

Eintracht Frankfurt SGE Fan-Uhr

Another attempt at a “realistic” watch face. Inspired from the U-BOAT Chimera 43B, I took the liberty to slightly change the oolour theme towards something to my liking…

C&C are indeed welcome…

Credit to Mellin for code

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the magnifying glass view and movement/orbit and orientation is very impressive. Great job!



Impressively wicked! Well done! thanks for sharing Inspector Mode.

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