When will Facer support the Galaxy 7

I have used Facer forever with my Galaxy 4. I just got a new 7 and learned I can’t use Facer with it. Does anyone know when the app will have faces for the 7?


No idea sorry, happy to have stuck with my GW4 Classic :grin:


I’m beginning to think I should have stayed with my 4 as well. I wish I had seen some mention of this issue before I bought the 7. I had such a great collection of faces. Now all unusable.

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After a half year since last “new” info I doubt there will be acceptable solution soon.
Maybe you have seen this and similar threads

I have strong feeling, that for the new watches with wearOS5+ Facer has to transform and simply become one of plenty other publishers on the playstore. Of course they have the advantage of premade designs they can port from their own store, like they were doing before google decided to monopolize the watch faces market to get share from every sale. I can only speculate, maybe Facer even manages to negotiate some compensation for lost profits, but I doubt any antitrust action can/will be taken.


I wonder how they managed to make it work for them on 4,5 and 6 but not on 7.

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I fear your quite right. I’m also thinking the porting over to the new watch format is not an easy thing.

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The format change didn’t happen until Watch 7; all the previous versions had the original format.

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Welcome . @jmmiller . The FB Facer Official has been flooded with beefs about 7 and Ultra not working . The Official List of compatible models is up to date in this regard . 7 and Ultra have a Different operating system on it . But so does the old Tizen but Facer still supports that where Samsung do not . Any way one of the issues apart from that is the Subscription Model . Google do not operate like that and Facer will not dump it .

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Yes, but there must be something deeper because after the update they should have the same system. In both cases it is the WFF format.

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I think it is the backwards compatibility, when somebody bought watchface for their GW6 and then it upgraded to wearOS 5 they would loose access to such watchface and play store would be flooded with complaints and refund requests, so they rather made the watches to support old format paralel with new one for a while longer. On those new ones they simply wont offer old format watch faces (inclusive facers main changeable face).


Even if it was just a little, they could have left it at 7, shit would have happened. Today, after a long time, I went to WFS out of curiosity and I couldn’t help but be amazed.

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Yes, that tool evolved, but guess what. The store rules were tightened. Yet still one hair easier to get there, than in the facers closed club.


What percentage of people do this for business and those who do it for fun and to share more than boring OEM watch faces, often useless?

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That is the trouble. On facer everyone can make and share for fun of it, even if with some compromises, but on play store you can not share so easily, unless you become “seller”.


Unfortunately, I have to admit that Facer is still the best creator in terms of options and creativity. As for the user interface, it is lacking and their policy is complete misery.

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I had just renewed my annual Facer premium for a year when I traded in my Galaxy Watch 4 Classic for the 7 Ultra. I didn’t see this new watch was incompatible until after I shipped my old watch. I wouldn’t be able to get it back, so I was stuck with the 7 Ultra and no more Facer. Wish I hadn’t done the annual membership now. :cry:

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I did the same thing but I was so frustrated with losing Facer, that I’m returning the 7 and getting a 6. Lesson learned


Try the TimeShow platform, it’s pretty stripped down like Facer, but it should supposedly work on GW7 too
But I doubt it

I am now happily using my W6 with full Facer access. Too bad about the 7.


anyway, the 7s aren’t very pretty. I would probably compare it to the model 3 which was also ugly. That’s the one between the model lines. But it’s a shame about the other models which can be pretty but unusable with the faceplate. And I’m afraid it won’t get better, only worse and worse.