Can you view Likes and Syncs

Is there anyway to see the status of your watch faces. Syncs, and Likes and so forth. I made a simple face and people have actually synced it.

When to go to the creator, Facer - Thousands of FREE watch faces for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more look at all your faces you’ve created and it shows the sync count by each one.

Once again one of you fine gentleman answer my questions!! Thank you sir

Yeah unfortunately you can’t see how many people have liked a face… yet. We’re working on trying to get facer to add that feature. There’s a thread in feature requests about it if you would like to go vote it. The more people interested the more likely they will add it.

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I was just wondering. I made a face and I keep getting like messages. Its even been synced 50 times!!! That’s a total shock to me. Its just plain Jane. I wish I had more time to tinker with this all.

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And so the addiction begins… Haha it’s fun isn’t it? Feels good to know people like your work. Look forward to seeing more of your stuff.

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