Community #TAG# knowledge increasing

Anyone notice that #TAG# and how-to questions in the Support category have really dropped off? Last year at this time there were tons of build questions. How does WCCI work? How do I make a battery gauge? How do I change the days of the week to French? How do I change my background after the sun sets?

Today the Support questions are nearly all traditional help-desk issues with the app, the face loads, the OS, or the watch hardware. The vast base of technical posts and all the cool tutorials you guys have all have built over the past year has made a tremendous difference in onboarding new designers. Kudos to the whole community - it’s the best group of peeps I’ve ever been a part of.
:clap::clap::clap: :+1:



Yes, i noticed that as well, maybe the new designers are better researcher and do find all this tutorials.

Everyone’s done a great job of stepping up and helping people out.

I’ve been debating on putting together some of the tutorials into a more organized form, kinda a pseudo E-Book collection of tutorials.


sounds like Wiki time

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Watch face® wiki?


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This is just a proof of concept/work in progress…

Rename it as .PDF

FacerHandbook.psd (1.8 MB)

(It’s two page layout, designed to be printed out and stapled, first page is front/rear cover followed by the pages)

Tried to adapt the wiki into a book format. Links are included in the pdf and work.


I’ve said it before and will say it again, this is the best community I’ve had the pleasure if being a part of. You all are great people and I’m thankful to be a part of it.


Agreed! And now we are „troll-free-zone“ again.

Haha! I forgot about that… situation.

Shhhh… keep your fingers crossed. Just when you start to get comfortable they have a tendency to morph into new identities.
Now there’s a watch face idea for Halloween: Troll Morphosis. I’m into Christmas now so I’ll leave that one for you all…