Device not found! on Macbook pro

Ok so ive got Gear S3 that is synced with my Iphone. I can easily browse through facer app on my iphone and download faces- no problem!!.
My problem is; when i try to send watch faces that ive created online with my macbook pro, i get the massage “no device found”.
How can i make this work?
Thank you in advance

Nobody had this problem before? Am I the only one?

The issue is related to the Facer App on the iPhone not being associated to your Facer account. So, the Facer Creator on the Mac doesn’t see the connected watch.
What you will need to do is publish the face after being created, then search for your published face from the iPhone Facer for IOS app and install it from there.

I’m not alone in my request to Facer for feedback on enabling an account connection from the Facer for IOS app. I have both IOS and Android phones/watches and the Android phone app is connected to the Facer account so that the Creator can send faces directly. Not so with the IOS app.

Minor inconvenience, but it means having to publish faces that haven’t been “watch-tested” yet.

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Thank you so much

Me as well!