Elements Optimization/ Battery ussage


Im creating a new watch face that is getting close to 100 elements. Its getting to the point were even my browser its lagging, and it has me concerned about the performance on the watch. All of the elements are text or shapes but with expresions to manipulate opacity. In the documentation the only reference that I find to performance is to compress the backgrounds into a single layer. I was hoping for something more along the line of performance or battery usage. I mean whats the point of a cool watchface if it will drain my battery in 2 seconds.

So to recap… Its there some best practice for layer limitations. Does the amoun of layer affect anything more than the time it takes to sync the watch? What if the layers have expressions in them?

Thanks for any answers.

In the case of animations, total layer count can make a difference in performance. I’ve done quite a few extensive tests on their impact.

Overall, it is always bound by the performance of the watch (CPU/RAM). There are no diagnostics I know of that can predict power consumption though.