Facer Creator Pro


Why can’t I find anything about “Facer Creator Pro” in this forum?
Are this the way you can become a “Premium designer”?
Has the Premium designers first started to pay 6 US$ / month to be able to make more advanced functions with the Creator Pro?
So the plan is that “I” as a designer pays 6 US$ / month to create watch faces for free download?

I don’t get this.
Hope some one can answer me. :frowning:

Hello! I believe you have to be invited to be a Premium Designer. However, the Creator Pro subscription gives the option to have almost all of the tools used by Premium Designers - but you cannot sell the designs.

Thank you for your answer Vatikus.
But this Creator Pro account is for everybody, not because I am a good designer?
This is not the path to become a Premium designer…
Still I don’t understand that there is no discussion in this forum about Creator Pro.

Best Regards

Hi, Creator Pro is really new. I think there will be a lot of talk in the forum in no time.

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Creator Pro is for anyone who wants improve the quality and funcionality of his designs. Has the same tools that the premium designers (partners today). Its not a direct way to become Partner, but if you show skills with the new tools, as same with overall design, you will be in the scoop of the recruiting team… Good luck!


Hi all! In addition to what @carlosfilippa said, I would add that being a Facer Creator Pro user is NOT a requirement to be invited to the Partner Program. We’ve seen a lot of designers shine with the free tools and expect that to continue.