Facer Creator Suggestions

Step count in Time machine- Only goes up to 2000 steps, would like to see a higher number, 21600, or 1 step every 4 seconds.

Color Field in Advanced Settings- Apply color based on conditionals, both for image tints and text.

Weather Icon Element- Apply the specific tag to show the icon for, such as Current, Today’s forecast, Forecast Day 1, 2, etc.

Weather Alert Tag- A tag to return a value if there is an active weather alert for the current area you are in. Would be useful to apply a transparency (or color) conditional to an image or text. Addtional tags could include a text value as well.

One last thing- When will you update the MacOS application? I’m still stuck on 3.0.0.

You may consider adding topics in the “Feature Requests” category.

Thanks. I’ll copy the topic over, then take this one down.

the dial is too small on the screen …Can you add a zoom in infunction, so i can the see the detail better.