Isolating Digits

Are you unhappy with the default kerning? Do you want each digit to be in its own bubble? Easy!
Here’s steps - everything else is easier:


will give you the first digit,


will give you the second digit,


(recognize a pattern?) is the third digit,


is the fourth digit, and as always,


the last digit is relatively simple.

Next class: Using these values to make odometer-style dials. Stay tuned!


Not quite.
The first one will give you the first digit and EVERYTHING above it.
From number “1234567890” it will give you “123456”.

Check out @Mellin’s “Twisted” watch in inspection mode to see all of the formulas.

You can do the same using those formulas for images of numerals if you can’t use an actual font. Here’s my Rusty Meter watch. I got the formulas from Mellins watch


Well shucks, now I don’t feel so clever. :slight_smile:

I got the digits too: