Looking for tags for stairs, calories, miles, active minutes and current heart rate

Hi guys,
Im new to samsung and certainly to here!

Im designing my first ever watch face and so far and quite happy with how it is going however…
I really want the following added to it but cant find tags for them…

current heart rate (I have average heart rate already)
miles travelled (I’m happy for it to be km if it has to be but prefer miles as am in UK)
stairs climbed
active minutes
calories burned

I also dont know how to add the little logos that go next to them so if anyone can help Id really appreciate it.
Ill be putting the face up for free once it is done.
The title is called purple skulls. Its a nice dark themed face so not to heavy on battery.

Would really appreciate help with tags etc folks.

Hi Kat,
Welcome to Facer Community. Just about all of these are available and have been discussed in topics in this community. I don’t have a list of the links, but if you search I’m sure you will find them.
The icons are added in Creator as Images.

Thanks for replying however the issue is that I have looked for the answers to my question and cannot find the tags anywhere here. I can find a list that facer has put up but not what I have asked for.
Hence the question…

They are not in the list Facer has posted. In the Community, go up to the Search icon in the top right.
Enter “calories” “miles” etc. I’m sure you will find them.

I found calories but it doesn’t seem to work. Have now done most but can’t find floors climbed nor can I find any icons :confused::confused::confused:

I’ve got the link to my watch here…
If you can help at all I’d be so grateful!!!
I’m quite happy with it generally but I’d really like floors climbed there as well as the icons next to the numbers…

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Hi Kat,

Others may do it differently, but this is what I would suggest:

  • I’m not sure you can get “floors climbed”. Perhaps the closest you can get is Activity (steps).
  • For the icons use your search engine to look for free icons. There are many sites that offer them for free, but read the site guidelines to be sure.
  • Create a folder for icons. Download the ones you want and save them to that folder. Note: You may have to make screenshots of individual icons instead if an entire page is offered.
  • In order to get them to scale for your design in Creator, most likely you will need to resize them using your graphics application or in Creator.
    *Finally, using Creator add each as an Image next to the related information on your design.

Please be sure that whatever images you use for icons and/or backgrounds are not copyrighted or protected in some way. Otherwise you are stealing another person’s work. In the community there are many discussions on that topic including this one: Sorting options

Have fun!