Month plus or minus?

Is there a way to display last month and next month? I’ve got an idea for an exposed date wheel that will show other months, but I’m not able to figure out how to display the previous or next month. Thanks for the help! I think this one will be a pretty cool dial!

Do you want the number of the month, number of the month with a leading zero, the month name, or the shortened month name?

The first option will be really easy. The others would get quite tricky. I can write it for you but I just want to check what form of the month you want.

Hi @anthony1,
Yes as @poopalah mentioned, if you want numbers a subtraction and addition is easy enough, the month before is #DM#-1 and the month after is #DM#+1

If you want month names (or short names), you can just substitute text based on the month number as above. I use the formula format below for foreign language replacements but you can certainly also use it to offset the month name in English.

For the month before, if it’s January (DM=1), say “December”

$#DM #=1?December:$$#DM#=2?January:$$#DM#=3?February:$$#DM#=4?March:$$#DM#=5?April:$$#DM#=6?May:$$#DM#=7?June:$$#DM#=8?July:$$#DM#=9?August:$$#DM#=10?September:$$#DM#=11?October:$$#DM#=12?November:$

Likewise for the month after. If it’s January then just say “February”

$#DM #=1?February:$$#DM#=2?March:$$#DM#=3?April:$$#DM#=4?May:$$#DM#=5?June:$$#DM#=6?July:$$#DM#=7?August:$$#DM#=8?September:$$#DM#=9?October:$$#DM#=10?November:$$#DM#=11?December:$$#DM#=12?January:$


Ideally the shortened month name (JAN, FEB, MAR, etc). If it is really complicated then I don’t want you to have to spend time on it on my account. I could just use a rotation formula for month and make a wheel with the dates on it. That may be easier, no? I really appreciate the help though.

Thanks so much John! You are awesome!