Permanently Move Watchface to Watch

I’m new to Facer. I have a Gear S3 and had fun designing a simple watchface. I’ve also been tempted to purchase some that I’ve seen for sale. Here’s my question/problem…

I find it a pain in the neck to have to always download the watchface from the Facer app when I want to change to a different style. I want to be able to flip between the watchfaces on my watch and just tap to instantly see the new style.

Is there a way to move watchfaces from Facer permanently to my watch so that I don’t have to download them each time I want to use them? I’ve been hunting for an answer to this question for days and have not found a post that clearly addresses this. (You would think Facer would be upfront about this.) I’ve searched other places on the web, as well.

If I can’t have the ease of keeping and selecting the watchfaces on my watch I will forego any additional efforts to improve my design skills and I certainly won’t purchase any.

Long holding or triple tapping on the watch face gives you the opportunity to swipe through the last 9 watch faces you have loaded, plus the Daily Mix (which I don’t personally use, but others might).

Thanks, pacingpoet. I did discover that feature, but that doesn’t work the same as the other watch faces that are resident on my watch. (Such as from the Gear store.)

I don’t understand their thinking. When I purchase a book from Amazon, I can download it to my tablet and read it anytime I want. If I had to always access the book from their website anytime I wanted to read it, I would never buy a book from them.

@bill1 Hmm, as a designer, I like it because users get the most up-to-date version of my watch faces when they re-sync from the source. I’m a perfectionist and rarely leave a design as is after the initial push. I’m not sure, but I suspect that users don’t get the last updated versions when they swap between faces in-device.

Good point. One I hadn’t considered. Not enough to sway me, though. For my money (or time invested, should I be the designer) I want convenience and control. I’ll even settle for less-than-ideal (like a stock watch face) if I can avoid having to jump through hoops.

As a designer I would like the convenience and control to auto-update all syncs in theory. But of course, syncs should be user-initiated in practice.

@Facer_Official It could be nice if Facer offered a user setting to switch on auto-updates. But then designers would also need the ability to update tags and descriptions without pushing entire watch faces / triggering auto-updates.