Scuba Series | Blue Waves

We’re starting a new series: Scuba…
Your ideas are sooo important for us. Thnx…


This one SCREAMS for having the waves/water move. Ask the math genius like @Tomas or @Mellin for help achieving that! :wink:
Clean design otherwise!


Do you have those waves cut up into separate layers like this?


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Perfect! Thanks for advises, I’ll try as soon as possible…

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Hi There,

@Facer_Official thanks for mentioning this :wink: I do really have some experiences with expressions… @e.derebey if you would like to do some animations, please just ask me… here is one underwater inspiration :whale: [Inspector Mode is open]


That’s cool @Tomas! Here’s my salt-water aquarium. I love the waving fins and bubbles. Can you imagine a day when watch CPU’s can handle processing for waving fins and moving sea anemone for a dozen fish at the same time? Inspection on here too.



@jmorga106 nice mini aquarium :wink: Well I see such a CPU in 2 up to 3 years coming :sunglasses:

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Thanks @Tomas. Your design really insipred me… I dont know where should I start for making a wave action… Maybe I can develope basic flat X movement on the seperated wave layers. But I thing it’s really hard for me to make a perfect accelerated wave action… Help! :slight_smile:

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I thing @jmorga106 's this acceleration formulas enough… Isn’t it?

(160 + sin(#DWFSS#/4)*50)

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Hi @e.derebey. This kind of animation is really easy to make. As you write you could just use some (ready) expressions e.g.

X Position


Y Position


…for your (semi transparent) layers (elements) and just try and change some of the numbers in the formula to change the whole animation effect. You could just play around and test it until you are satisfied. Nothing hard about this - it is just a lot of fun ;).

If you need something, just write @tomas :wink: @Mellin, @jmorga106 or @eradicator09 and I am sure you will get help in few minutes (or hours in the worst case).

So, let`s animate some new :watch: faces :+1:!


The formulas @Tomas pointed out will work for your needs. The separated wave layers would be the way I would do it. Give it a shot and let us know how it’s going!


…best effect would be a combination of @jmorga106 s separated layers in combination with different speeds and amplitudes movement + dynamic transparency of the layers as well… and some more :whale: :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the design to your directions. Thank you for your interest and help. I would like you to synchronize and report my missings as your experienses…


Looks good @e.derebey. I think I would just speed it up some. the effect is hard to notice


@e.derebey good start! :slight_smile:

You’re true… I speed it up a bit more @jmorga106. How is it looking now?
Thanks @Tomas :smiley:

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looks good @e.derebey!


Very cool