Season control complication

hi, it is possible to use a formula to control the seasons ???
if now is summer, show this face…
if now is winter, show this face…

thank to everyone.

There is no tag for that, and worst, there’s no tag for consulting hemisphere, because you can do a conditional for seasons between days but it will be only for one hemisphere…

Mmm, could one use hours of sunshine ( sunset-sunrise in 24hr format ) and month to figure out the season and hemisphere?

It would be a hard guess… You can always ask the user with a tapping VAR what hemisphere is there and then use the #DD# tag (day in year) to know the season…

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I thought something like this might work:

You could have four layers ( 1 each for summer and winter in each hemisphere )

For summer down under:

Transparency: ($#DD#>335||#DD#<60&&((#WSH#+#WSM#/60)-(#WRH#+#WRM#/60)>12?1:0$)

Assuming summer starts 1 Dec and ends at end of February ( I am in Australia and that is how we do it :slight_smile: )

Winter “up north” would be the same as above but days would be adjusted to be the day equivalent of the solstices and the hours of sunshine would be less than 12

And similar for the other pair of summer/winter layers.

It is of course very simplistic and ignores leap years. I suppose one could create a more complicated expression to address that.

As one approaches the equator it might become more interesting :slight_smile:

Anyway, as a crude approximation, do you think the above might work?

Conditionals only work with one boolean at the time. But you can split the conditions and use position to keep in frame or take out the frame the image.
Your concept of daylight <12 or not may work, definitivly worth to try…

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Picking up on this thread, if you are still interested…

North/south hemisphere, you could use #LAT#, and assuming meteorological seasons, then in the northern hemisphere, set you X position for each seasonal object to (as @carlosfilippa pointed out, in or out of frame, in this case 160/-160):


and the opacity for each object to:

Spring: $#DM#>=3&&#DM#<=5?100:0$
Summer: $#DM#>=6&&#DM#<=8?100:0$
Autumn: $#DM#>=9&&#DM#<=11?100:0$
Winter: $#DM#=12||#DM#<=2?100:0$

and in the Southern Hemisphere, set X position as:


and each season object opacity to:

Autumn: $#DM#>=3&&#DM#<=5?100:0$
Winter: $#DM#>=6&&#DM#<=8?100:0$
Spring: $#DM#>=9&&#DM#<=11?100:0$
Summer: $#DM#=12||#DM#<=2?100:0$


Nice one @tom.vannes. Good to breath some Air int an old Topic. I used #LAT# to flip my Moon phase for the Antipodeans. I would love to sort out the inclination so she is Lying on her back at the Equator. Another Day Another Time.

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Yes, interesting thing with the moon. I stumbled across a software that can help with inspecting planets and the moon. check: Stellarium Astronomy Software
(don’t try the web version, crashed my MAC and automatically rebooted, must be CPU intense)

This video, will give you the idea what you can look at: The moon viewed for different latitudes - YouTube