[Watchface] 100 years of Poland Regaining Independence

This year Poland celebrates the 100th anniversary of regaining independence.
My friend gave me the idea, that I could do some face with this anniversary.
I have just finished the first watch faces …


Very nice work!

Niech żyje Polska!

I’m happy to see someone else interested in my country (at least the good part).

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I’m just starting my adventure with watches, and what a surprise … I find watches about my country.
Thanks for celebrating this event, and I must admit that I like these watch faces

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Biało-Czerwone to barwy niezwyciężone!

We seem to have some polish people here.


It‘s a nice country with nice people, i already visited it twice.

Polska - to taka kraina,
która się w sercu zaczyna…

Dobrze że znalazł się ktoś, kto nam o tym przypomina

Potem jest w myślach blisko,
w pięknej ziemi nad Wisłą.


Thank you for your affable words, it’s very kind of you

Dziękuje wszystkim za patiotyczną postawę, mimo że mieszkamy w różnych częściach świata to nadal pamiętamy skąd pochodzimy i gdzie jest nasza Ojczyzna.
Z dumą mogę napisać:
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy

To naprawdę miłe, że polacy jednak pamiętają o swoim kraju.
Może by tak rozwinąć ten wątek i pokusić się o stworzenie jakieś większej serii o Polsce.
Widzę że w dyskusji wzięli udział specjaliści w dziedzinie tworzenia tarcz.
Ja dopiero stawiam pierwsze kroki, ale chętnie wezmę udział u takim projekcie.
Co na to szacowne grono?

ja jestem na tak

Wish I could speak my language of heritage. But my parents used it as there secret language around us kids and refused to teach us! They were first gen American and wanted to shrug off all of the old country as they called it. But not so much that we didn’t get insurance through PNA and attend the lodge parties. I would get dizzy watching my grandparents polka. Sweet memories.

Your grandparents were great, if you remember them so warm.
I see that Polish blood still flows in you.
Many Americans are proud of Polish origin.
I have a family in Chicago, we rarely contact each other, but they always remember the “old country” with sympathy.
From a few years I live in the UK, I feel good here but I plan to return to the Poland.
You know, sweet memories

That’s good if you still remember where your grandparents came from and who they were.
I am glad that despite the passage of time, we still remember our origins and our ancestors.

celebration of the independence day is getting closer.
On this occasion, I made the next two watches.
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