[WatchFace] HaDe Nº 04

A little experimental.


Nice one! I like!

Thanks, so far 4 users have used it :slight_smile: Probably it’s very experimental.

Well, some of my watches didn’t get a lot of attention as well, even if i spent hours creating them with all my passion. People mostly love the normal standards…

Don‘t give up or in…

I like it. Its different and original. Excellent work.

@petr.patocka I like this, I gotta learn how to do this one day :slight_smile:

My last premium one had 0 for the first week and a whole bunch this week - It’s a little hit and miss sometimes (getting featured seems to swing the balance a lot). I like this one - I’ve been playing with ‘no hands’ displays lately and they can be a little confusing. You’ve done a great job of making everything nice and clear, good work!

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Thanks @chadwgraves37 and @roycaruso. I also have several premium faces waiting for the first user. :smile:

@selia67 Thanks, I opened the inspection mode. There is no secret.


They’ll come :slight_smile: keep it up!


I totally dig it, but in the web preview are some glitches in the hour rotation. You can see after 19hs jumps to 00, from 03 jumps to 20, and theres 25, 26… I down’t know if it happens only in the preview…

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For example:

Hour hand (0-2) has rotation ((#DkZA#)*120)), which should just be (#DkZA#*60);

and …

Minutes hand (0-5) has rotation ((round((#Dm#+5)/10)*60)), more simply stated as (floor(#Dm#/10)*60).


It’s a shame :wink: . Thank you @carlosfilippa , fixed.


Don’t worry …

I had similar issues with my first attempt at ‘steps’ with 5 discs, even after my earlier attempt for ‘day (in month)’ with 2 discs.

See: [WatchFace] Galaxy Watch (rose gold, 42mm), analogue date, sub-clock

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When all the experiments work on the first try, how boring life will be… don’t you think? :wink:


Yeah. We need tasks. :slight_smile:

But sometimes it get‘s a long way until all is operating with a nearly overheated brain.

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I like it.