100 syncs in 6 days from nothing--->is this good?

Hey People of facer! just recently started making and uploading faces 6 days ago, with 20 total faces and 100 syncs in total i’m in need of some constructive criticism to improve my designs.thanks for all the support so far



Hi and welcome o Facer.
It’s also about your number of followers, featuring or your rank in the Top100.
In my opinion, it’s a nice progression and you can be proud of that


A very warm welcome to Facer!

And wow, 20 faces in just 6 days - that is starting at a run! I particularly like the simple elegance of this face

Well done on a good beginning - I look forward to seeing more of your work.


Welcome aboard. I think you will find many kindred spirits here.



100 syncs and 20 faces in 6 days! Impressive in my book.
I started during December 2019 and have 22 faces published to date with 280 syncs total when I last checked.
However I don’t do much “marketing” of my work at all (and I have a full time day job :slight_smile: ).

I agree with @mikeoday that Facile is one of your best; it is different from the rest.


Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Wow thats awesome! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Welcome and congratulations on your work!

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Gee, that’s impressive! I was just amused because after a year of messing around with Facer (mostly with help from the folks here), I’ve finally achieved 1,029 syncs. Of course, that’s nothing compared to the Partners, but given that I try to make designs that work on the Pixel Watch, that’s not too awfully bad.

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Hi David,
Welcome in the facer community!
You created some interesting watch faces.
In my opinion you can improve 2 things:
Bring more depth in your faces and use monotype fonts to avoid that numbers are “jumping around”.

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After about 3 Years I had 1005 followers . I looked again yesterday and I am down to 1000 now . What did I do ? I am hoping a couple of faces I deleted took them away . I would hate to think that I was becoming Unpopular :rofl:

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@hippocampus.watches . Did this Response end up in the wrong Topic ? I am not sure if the any of the above are called David and you will see that it is an Older Topic . And yes Dancing Digits are Irritating at Best . Bless .

Indeed an old Topic, I answered it on the fly without seeing it was already 4 years old.
Never the less 2 good advices for “beginners” (I had to learn this too…)

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Just wondering if jordanndavid090 is still active?

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Absolutely . If one person learns that lesson or Discovers about Searching the Archived stuff it is a good days Learning . You can always try invoke someone @jordandavid090 to thank them . Sorry , now I see where you found David . :joy:

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