That second one looks like the blue bot fairy is floating across the screen.
Or you could have 1 watchface which uses the wake random function “wakeRand” to select the robot each time the watch wakes… There might be some sore wrists!
Very nice in any case! . The amount of syncs you get is the Inverse Proportion of the amount of time you spend on the Face . I have done stuff like the that . Tried to show how to make Multi Image Faces for Apple . They get about 4 syncs . Pretty is what People want . If you get a user saying they have had a face of yours on their watch for more than 2 hours you have made a Mark . Having said that wakeRand() great fun .
I dunno what changes they made to the top 100, but i seem to have entered it again, so hope the changes they made stick. For my watch faces it appears the more colourful they are the more syncs they get.
Seems to be syncs over the last 48 hours or so rather than the week. They’re definitely tinkering with the top 100 algorithm at the moment.
Gizmo did it again. That first robot is so adorable I wanna adopt him
Thank you very much my friend, here he is for you to take home lol
I have a few more ready to use yet as well