24HR DAY Republication

I am so fed up with the Phone Battery Data working intermitantly on my Watches I am going through them taking it off. This is one I am quite pleased with. Thanks to all those who helped me on the way.


Very good design !!! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1: :+1: Russell!!!
very good…
I congratulate you, I like it very much !!!
Cordially :cowboy_hat_face:


Thank you sir. I enjoyed working on that. 24hr Faces not popular but Hey. Please excuse me I am of to download the latest Phoenix watch. Don’t miss it. A really neat bit of accelerometer stuff : )


You want to talk unpopular, 24 hour UTC (GMT) watch faces… I’m a Amateur “Ham” Radio Operator and we use UTC for logging all of our radio contacts. It’s popular with us hams, but not so much with regular people. :grin:

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It is surprising how much UTC is used. Airplane Pilots must have 3 clocks on the go when they are in the Air. I woul love to do more time zone stuff but I do not get #Dzzzz# on my watch. Along with loads of other stuff. But Oh What Fun : )

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