Adding Podcasts and Workout Buttons

Hopefully, someone can point me to where I can find the code, the resources, etc. for adding non-default apps to my facer watch app design. The two in particular that I’m looking at right now are (for an Apple Watch):


I’m fine with adding images and having a code instruction behind the scenes, but would really prefer them to be available. If this is available in Facer Premium, can you please confirm - I can’t seem to find what I’ll get if I get Premium other than access to “premium faces” and a few other less than desirable features (for my purposes).

Appreciate any help - whether instructions or pointing me where I can find them.

Thanks all.


This is what I’m looking to design

The three icons are the bottom would become clickable.
The middle one could simply be the Activity icon but if I can make it a clickable image that launches the Activity app, that would be my preference.
Obviously, the bottom left is intended to launch Podcasts
and the bottom right is intended to launch Workouts.

Appreciate any help folks.

It works for some apps if you are a member of Facer Pro. I don’t know if it works for all apps.
Buy one month membership and see for yourself.

You have to add complications, there are 4 sizes you can choose from.
Then you sync watchface to watch, long tap the screen, tap customize, then tap settings wheel in the upper right corner and select app you want ON THE WATCH.

Here is a demo, I’ve added all 4 types of complications in facer creator with different apps selected on the watch. When you tap on app it will be opened.

Here is a link to how it was made, click on the rocket on the left to open it in editor.

I’ve missed that you are asking for Apple… I really don’t know if it works.

Solution I described works on Android watches.