I wonder if anyone out there would have the time to help me calibrate this.
On this one I am trying to calibrate the cycle to 1 Min.
I would love to have a version that is 2 mins .
I am keen you use #DWE# so I have a Timer that starts on wake.
I am doing my Maths by trial and error so I am never going to get there.
I get tired of pogging around with trial and Error. I have learnt so much from the guys. I am sure there is a bit of maths I could chuck in a spreadsheet for this sort of thing.
Keep getting those likes in.
may be i misunderstud but do you mean slow the cycle so it end at 2 minute? if so just add /2 after DWE factor example pendulum 1 (sin(#DWE#*3.1/2)*32) , in editor animation lag but seem that cycle end restart right at 2 minute, and if you add shadow to the image levels it gives more depth
Thank you so much for looking at this. I nearly sent you a DM but I thought it was a bit cheeky. Sorry I thought it was Open. ON now. The thing I am struggling with is adgusting the DWE multiplication. As I get nearer the minute for the cycle on that one it gest more difficult by trial and Error. I have changed the swing angle for each one to give a bit more perspective. Of course that changes the timing of the whole cycle. So I have two sets of variables that I have no Idea how they are integrated.
I will start a spread sheet to see if that helps.
Loving the Tides Topic. You have opened a Box there that is for sure.
I am not that keen on the wave that cycles in one min. It is a bit frantic but Intresting from a maths point of view. I would like to go back and have it 2 mins. Ones I published were 3mins or so. Just a bit to long to ask people to keep thier watches awake.
Inspection was enabled on that watch.
I had to switch off Beta 7 to check.
Facer must be doing some work on the Server.
As I remember they do Early Friday in LA.
Hopefully things will be better later.
@alsx65 , yeah I think that solution works. I just ran two versions in inspection mode side by side, one original and one with your solution. Your solution makes it twice as long.
But @russellcresser, the watch face won’t be on for more than a couple of seconds, so only the same wave portion will be seen all the time with #DWE#. Would it be better to tie it into the real seconds?
@bradtc Yeah I know its a bit of silliness really I put my Display on for 5 min . Wake the Watch with the Home Button and if the watch is not moved I get to see the whole show. I am thinking of tying it to Milli Seconds. But I for either I would like it to sync with a min or two. Since Facer Put the earlier version in the Top 100 Free I have had Quite a few Syncs . Unfortunately not much Feedback . @alsx65 would 3.1/2 be the same as 1.55 . I put a lot of () on these formulas but some times they cause their own problems.
Try a program called Notepad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/) to edit your expressions. It hilights both sides of the braces in green to help keep track of where they are. It also highlights the ones without a complimentary brace in red, so you can fix those. Cut/paste into notepad++ and Facer Creator. It’s very usefull when things get big and there are lots of braces.
@russellcresser I think to make the show faster (repeat in half the time), you would need to multiply the #DWE# tag by two, not to divide. It would work as if the time run twice faster for the wave.
@petruuccios . Yeah Thanks so much . I am carrying on with division . Got it down to 2 Mins +/- ,25 of a sec. Looks a bit silly if its fast or too slow.