Amiga Desktop style

so I noticed a lack of Amiga screen watch faces, and hacked this together, any and all suggestion happily accepted.

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Sorry but the text has to come out a bit bigger to be useful to a lot of the Potential Users . Scale your image so the Analogue is Round . But Generally Ha Ha .
Just had a look under the Hood . I thought you had some complications in there sorry . Battery power would be good at the minimum .


aye, playing around with size, it doesn’t offer anything useful anyway, just giving the basic look the amiga screen, the only functional design so far, is the clock.


I’m also looking at making the bin, the battery indicator, figured that might look groovy.

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Cut down the number of the Windows and get some stuff in with the pixelated Text and Numerals .
The E - F orange bar on the left of the Workbench Window is crying out to be a battery Progress .


how’s this for starters?


might shrink the window to take up less space for the clock, and I’ll use the bar on the side, as the battery level.

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oh I see, you already spotted the orange sidebar. :smiley:

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ugh, I really don’t understand how complications work grr

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The idea is good in principle, but in my view it’s all way too much and way too small sorry :disappointed:

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Well lets deal with one at a time . I presume you are working on the orange bar as a Battery power indicator ?

See I have used a shape layer . As with previous your Image for the bar did not go to the edge .
You must be aware a rectangle shape is 0,0 at the top left . Hence you will see it has to be rotated on its head to have zero at the bottom .

So the full stroke is 75 PX . I used another shape as a rule to check the stroke .
75px divided by 100% = 0.75 . So that is the factor you multiply the Battery level to get the correct travel of the Bar .

Get back if this is not clear .

thanks for the solution! much appreciated, aye it’s small, but I really wanted to capture the memory and the feel of Amiga computer, I could make it minimal, without the window, but for me it would be too empty.

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how about this for less clutter?

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Well after that I am missing the Window. I so liked that the orange bar was part of the Window border. I do not think it is a problem that your Analogue Face sits ove it. I know that probably was not possible on the Amiga but you must stretch your Creative Lisence. I would get some data in your Window. Date and Steps are popular.

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