An old annoyance resurfaces

My cellphone died the other day (that’s a story in itself) so I am using an old backup phone I had saved for just such a situation. I got everything working OK on the backup phone, but to do that I had to re-link my Galaxy 6 Classic to the phone using the “Connect to new phone” process. And to do that I had to reset the watch to its original factory condition.

After completing that (it took several tries) I installed Facer and my Facer designed watchface. Everything looked OK EXCEPT that highly annoying bouncing note icon at the bottom 6 o’clock position. That pesky thing is soooo annoying.

I remember going through some hoops to make it stop being displayed when I had my prior original 46 mm Galaxy watch. That watch was Tizen based of course. Now my watch is Wear OS based, and apparently that makes a huge difference for the annoying bouncing note.

I’ve tried everything under the sun to eliminate the bouncing note, but nothing works. I don’t have a music app on the phone or watch, I have no music to play even if I had an app, none of the postings on the web work (most are old and for Tizen versions), fussing with the Developer Mode options doesn’t work.

To make matters worse, sometimes one of the methods will eliminate the note for a little while, but it always comes back. So: does anyone have a way to permanently stop the note icon from appearing on Facer watchface? If so please post the instructions on a cloud drive or somewhere anyone can find it. I know I’m going to have to re-do the setup process when my new phone arrive in about 3 weeks.


Sorry you are having issues . Not fair . Many are struggling to move forward . Just a little Idea . In the Settings page on the Facer App on my connected mobile there is an Audio On button . I leave it on because I do not know what it does . Is it worth trying that . I know on my Tizen I was able to switch off the Disconnected Icon as it is Not . But we don’t seem to have that option on WOS . Onwards and upwards . Look forward to your new Phone and Resetting your Watch again . That Sucks .
Yes a Seldom Asked Questions ( SAQ ) Wiki would be a good Idea . I don’t know about your Data base Idea . I could not make that . I am not sure a Wiki on here will work but there are a Few that can make them .

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Well it may be that something I did seems to have worked - it’s been about a day and the stupid dancing note has not reappeared. Regrettably I have no idea which one of the numerous things I tried fixed the problem.

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Yes . Few make notes when they Pog About . But it is good to know it is Fixable . I used to write Formulas like that . I had no Idea At All why they worked . I rarely use stuff I don’t understand now . It makes it such a Bitch to debug . Compose some Crap Formulas and then try find someone to Debug it .
Some times changes in settings do not take effect till you have rebooted . I have a thing comes up on my Display with an Icon says . " Listening " . F.O. So I have switched the Audio off in Facer App Settings . We will see .

I have seen that “Listening” popup too. Since I had no idea who or what it was that was listening, or what they were listening for, or what might happen based on what was heard I made the popup go away. Thankfully I haven’t seen it in a few days now.

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Yeah a bit of a mystery . We have a Google Smart Speaker and that pipes up saying " Oops Something Went Wrong " Too Damnd Right . I would get Rid but it is a Present from one of the Kids .

The “Listening” message I would assume would be Bixby, which is set as default if the top button is pressed and hold for a couple of seconds (I don’t use Bixby, never have).

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Yeah . I wish I could Uninstall Bixby . I will not be talking to my watch and I don’t want it talking to me . Why it should be listening is Beyond me . OH Hang On . :face_with_monocle:


This is Something that switces itself on . I use neither .