Animated Background ie Toy Story

Hello. I am a 3D animator. I love the Toy Story iWatch backgrounds - I can create animations that are similar.

Was wondering if it was possible to use my character animations as backgrounds in facer? Poked around the Facer Creator and didn’t see any way to add video/animations etc.

Thank you all!


Hi Wes

Welcome to Facer.

I make a lot of animations myself using Blender and importing these animations with PNG images which i import into a element called sequence. PNG images are the best, because they support transparency.

There are some limitations using sequences, for example the amount of images. I limit them to 24 images. Furthermore - depending also how big your images are, you will find out that Facer sometimes gives you a SAVE ERROR.

I would not advise to go further than 6 or 8 sequences of each 24 images. I assume that not every watch shows fluently the animations too…depending on hardware features like processor, chip, resolution…

Another aspect you should know is the timing of these sequences and the fact that some properties do not work well with formulas. The most important is to instruct when to start the sequence and when to stop showing them.

Therefore i use often in the field X position something like $(#DWE#%4)<=2?160:-320$, which instructs the watch to start showing this sequence every first 2 seconds in a cycle of 4 seconds after awakening.

In addition it is important to set the trigger to ON WAKE duration 2 seconds, REVERSE on and LOOP on. Everything is important here and depends also on the formula you use.

Now i am a free face maker, others have other status, like partner. Perhaps they have more tools, but then you need to be partner…

But if you scroll through my collection you will see that much is possible in the world of animated face, for me the best of the best… But that is just me.

Good luck, enjoy and let us see those beautiful animated faces of yours.



Welcome- just a few more things to add.
Animations only work on active face and not on the dim/AOD face.
Second hands also don’t rotate on the dim/AOD face.

You have found your way to the best community anywhere. Most questions have been asked and answered here - just use the search function. If you get stuck (after trying yourself) then ask here there are many who will help.

One more thing- making watchfaces is addictive!


Welcome @wes . Sadly if you are talking about Apple watches they can not run any animations . They have a very strict policy regarding power saving .
Those faces you have in your favourites are trying to fool us that it is possible . The preview shows quickly the slide show set in a Photo Template . It actually works by showing a different image on each wake .

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Hi Wes

Facer is quite strict when it come to the copyright topic.
I have taken down all my watch faces related to Marvel comics for that reason. Facer has an automated bot (we call it Marvin) that scans for brand names and will delete your watch face when you try to publish.

The bot currently cannot scan images, but probably a matter of time. And if you want to use branded images then maybe worth asking the owner for permission.

I still have 2 comic style series of watch faces published, but I have put in a disclaimer in the description saying that I am not making any money with this.

So if you create your on stuff, you’re safe, but I would not make things exactly like copyrighted material.