Animated Cogs 'N' Gears #2

Thanks to Daz for helping out create this one; he broke down the original gif image into separate components and worked out all the math to put it together for me…basically did it all himself :clap:4
Oh, I did add some detail myself lol


Very cool! Love the little guy, you better feed him well!


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This design is much more beautiful than the first :clap:
And also the screws are closed at 360 degrees … :wink: good
Last time, that’s what I wanted to tell you, with the 360 degree theme, the screws
Your face is very nice!!! :cowboy_hat_face: :+1:
My friend Gizmo !!!
I congratulate you!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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The speed is a bit too much for my taste but great gear mesh! And I love the poor little guy pushing the cog around the perimeter. Almost didn’t see him! I might suggest some non skeletonized hands for a design like this that’s so busy underneath them, it would allow for better contrast.

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My Ticwatch is sweating under all these animations, I guess I need to switch to more powerful watch to be able to enjoy smooth animations on complex graphical faces like this.
Great job!

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:joy: :rofl:
Thanks akar, most of it is just Math though, only the 1 Sequence :grinning: