Animation Sequence One after the Other?

So I have applied the suggestion from MAG and it seems to work . So the animation is always triggered and timed by the Wake timer . I have left the WIP hidden in case it is of interest .


So @mikewickens . I was trying to keep my response to your enquiry to the Title of the Topic . I thought it was about " Animation Sequence One after the Other " . I am sorry this is not what you are interested in . I hope someone else might be interested in the work I have done on the Topic.

I appreciate your responses a great deal , I have inspector the sample above and see elements.

So if I use these for 60 frames it should work right ?


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See the maths is set up to give 0 to 9 seconds . This was made to give 3 off 3second intervals in 9 seconds and repeat .
As I pointed out before . If you want sub second timings it will have to be .

frame 1 $#DWE#>0.0&&#DWE#<=.05?100:0$
frame 2 $#DWE#>.05&&#DWE#<=.10?100:0$

I think I know where you are going . That test I did is far too busy to carry on with . Could you post a couple of your images here to kick start another test . If you are not using Images we should use the #DNOW# timer .

I need to know how long the sequence is .
Do you want it triggered by the Wake Timer or just running to the Minute .

So I have made a test with the first 5 frames of a sequence of images that could be 60 over 3 seconds . We can use opacity on these Images which we can not on GIF Sequences .
You could swap #DWE# for #Dsm# which will do the same thing but be synced to the second hand ( Real Time Clock ) not the Wake Time.

@tom_p199 . So sorry I was not Ignoring you . Well done . I am wondering if you made your sequence in facer or with EZGif or something . I had my head full of Sequential Sequences . It seems obvious to me that you made the images yourself adding the wings and Drifting Feathers. Good Job.

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Awesome work Russell thanks for all the attention , I’m ready to give this a go now :slight_smile: Im sure ill have a question please leave the samples for the moment I need to study what is going on. Only been using facer for a couple of weeks now!

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Yeah it is a lot to take on Board . It always takes me a bit to get back into Galaxy Watch Studio . The platforms are so different . I find the code on Facer a bit easier . I have only done ECO faces over there . If you get some time please Inspect some of my work . It is all open . not the same level of graphics as your work but you might find some code in there you like . I can say that none of it is original . Just Butchered Gifts that People have left here and there .

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That’s alright I wasn’t necessarily expecting you or anyone else to respond right away.
And your hunch was correct, I have learned of the wonderment of EZGif.
So all I can really take credit for is copy and paste.

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Copy and Paste is all we do in any learning . You will find that a small percentage of originality will make something unique .

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Hi Russell,

Please download the test animation I plan to use here - total 74 frames - Google Drive

I’m struggling with getting this working as one play on watch wake.

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Sorry it will have to be later . I am not making a test for 75 Images that is too much .

so can you do 5 images and i just template from there ?

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Will do . I am Back now . Sorry the security system on my Laptop will not let me open those Files . Just post a few here .

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try pass mwdesign01

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The downloading process never asked me for a PWD . I unzip files all the time . I am not installing another unzipper for one project . Can you please post a few images her and let me know the answer to the question . How long is the sequence of 75 images suppose to las t. I can use the Number Images I Have to get us to 5 .

75 frames ay .05 second each gives you a duration of 3.75 seconds . I will add a few more frames to our test . Until you let me know the Duration I can only guess . at the end of the day it is just a number . If you know how to use spread sheets you could print yourself a Dope sheet. You could get the link to EZGif and make three sequences and we could go back to where you were before . Strangely you could post three GIFS here with no problems.

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See you could run this with #DWE# or #Dsm# if you wanted to sync it to the RTC.

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worked on with ps and i came with an useful gif easy to use and not so heavy , 24 frames , obviously it still on that original color unless you change it with ps frame per frame but stop typing and let’s the pics talk
original 75 frames with black bg

resized and reduced to 24 frames with transparent bg no delay

and last a test in editor 3 secs delay, preview is always shitty with animated gif face but tested on ticwatch 2020 and works fine


Wow . Nice Animation .


i only tweaked it , animation is the @mikewickens posted :sunglasses:

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