Hi everyone, I’m new. I love Anime so I decided to make some clock faces with this theme. My dials are entirely designed by me with my tablet and therefore are not images taken from the internet.
I hope you enjoy them!
Hi and welcome to the community. Cool dragon!
Thank u!!!
Nice designs there and your artwork is really cool, well done and welcome to the best Smartwatch Face Creating Community.
May I suggest enlarging your Font size on all the Texts though, 10 is very, very small, whereas 18-20 would be much more easily visible (I usually use 22 or 24 myself).
Hi and welcome to the best forum indeed for faces. Use this forum also to learn the tips, tricks and opportunities to enhance further your design. I like very much what you did and you will appeal a lot of young face takers. Especially that you went down the mile, to produce yourself the objects, designs. Great.
Being an animation man, i would love for example to make them more dynamic, alive. Perhaps by moving the light stars in the last beautiful face, like a sun that lights the metal up and moves somewhat. Take a look at my page to see what i mean with animations.
Take care.
Nice pictures!
As already been remarked by icrltd4 you could raise your font weight.