The bottom has a sign board feel to it. I’ve also brought back the low battery level LED light for a limited time.
Very nice design Rusty Sir, I particularly like the different background textures between top and bottom, nice work
(I’d have said excellent work if the Red Battery LED flashed
Hello good day @mrantisocialguy
In this design, I really liked the backgrounds you used …
The idea is more interesting!!!
Very elegant!!!
I can do that I can do that, I’m just not sure it would function in AOD ambient mode, BUT I can add a second one that only comes on in AOD and make this one flash. I’ll do it just before I publish the face this morning.
I was only joking lol
Joking or not, I’ve done it and posted the face. The LED flashes in active mode and is on solid in ambient mode. In older faces I’ve went so far as to make it come on solid from 15% down to 8% then flash from 7% on down. Lots of ways to do that with the layer effect.
Gotta say, the pace at which you’re getting better with material quality in your analog faces is getting scary. No way in hell I can catch up with my day-to-day job in the way
Very nice work!
Thanks, but I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, trust me. The more faces I see with interesting features such as shadows or what ever, the more I work at figuring out how to do that myself.
I’m fortunate that I don’t have a day to day job anymore. Retirement does have it’s perks, free time being one of them.