Hi. Something i am working on. What would you keep or change?
I am working on a kind of self-made robot walking, perhaps walking in the future round the clock, who knows and displaying time. Be sure to awake my faces to see the full animation.
A wonderful thing Unique is . So refreshing . Like a Dip in the sea after getting too hot on thr Beach . Nice .
Good idea, well done for thinking outside the box, but it’s not for me sorry
Thanks fellow face makers. Yeah, i can imagine that Sunrise Tequila with my name on it, after plunging those wet feet on the hot beach, escaping the boring shark. Funny what a face can bring.
So, did some further adaptions on the face.
I made the hands sizing dependent on the actual value, so they fill up more the available space. Added some time marks to enhance readability and for the same reason i added the actual minutes and hour value, running up from 0 to their actual value.
I am pretty pleased now with the outcome especially the slide of steps data looks nice on my watch. Animation must also be considered regarding time data, not only objects. But opinions must be free, rest assured.
Thanks everybody for their contribution.
Best regards.
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I liked the Idea of something moving under your feet . I think it is a Great concept . Many are obsessed with the steps they do in a day . Forget the Cyclists and Swimmers .