Answering Comments


I recently got some comments on my watchfaces and I wanted to anwser them, but I don’t know how…
I cannot do that via website and android app.

Any ideas?

I reply to them doing a review on the watchface they review.

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Exactly, me too! :wink:

All - replying with your own review is indeed the best way to do this today, but rest assured we are have improvements on that front in our pipeline :wink:


One more thing:
Is it just me?: I cannot look at/wright comments on watchfaces on the website, only on the app.

me too and it is just ridiculous. I need to help out a user who is having technical issues and it is just too hard to do? Bad design or what?

ok answer is use the mobile app as the web app doesnt allow it

I often answer the comments left on my watchfaces and it would be really quick, convenient and comfortable to be able to view and respond to comments on the website … :computer:

Thank you in advance. :pray:

Coming very soon! Hoping for this week, or the next.


Really Great !!
I look forward !! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great :+1: :+1: :+1:

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How far away is it now? Can you provide a timeframe?