In WFS all I had to do for the decimal time hand was to select my custom hour hand, set it to rotate every 24 hours and set the time zone for UTC ( or rather, one of the two cities that are GMT with no seasonal time shifts WFS for some reason has no UTC ). There are simple settings for those options.
To do this in Facer I had to do this - (((((#DUH#+((#DUm#+(#DUs#/60))/60)))/24)-(floor(((#DUH#+((#DUm#+(#DUs#/60))/60)))/24)))*360)
Pretty hideous compared to what I was expecting. Did I miss something?
I think that formula is unnecessary complicated.
Maybe you could simply use (#DUH#*360/24+#DUm#/4), you wont see the seconds contributing to movement of the 24h hand. (It does not matter what is painted on the dial, the hand has to turn full circle once a day).
Ha Ha . The old Decimal Time Gag . Don’t lose your Head . I used the UNIX EPOCH Timer . As with everything else in this game there are a good few ways of doing it .
Well, I did try expressions the same or similar to the shorter ones suggested. They certainly rotated the 10-hour hand once a day correctly. Trouble was they did not rotate smoothly. That made the hand skip over one or more of the small indices marks and I wanted the hand to visit all of them.
I have actually used the epoch timer trying to do a decimal minute hand in WFS. Not successful so I just gave up on that.
Note that if you read the hour and sub-hour marks you will get a value equivalent to the Swatch Internet Time ( Beat time ) on the dim view dial. Good to the tens place at best.
Yes I was working on a Face called Biel Mean time but I thought it would get taken down. In that case they proposed there was no local time. Same as All pilots working on Zulu.
I copped out an called it Decimal.
The Biel meridian would be what Swatch decided on. Most believe this to be more marketing than a good idea. That’s why I went even further down the rabbit hole to UTC. I don’t know what the French used for their ten-hour clocks.
I see the three digit time on yours matches my watch face which I have set to UTC. The hour matches what I have on mine also.
I think this would be same problem on the WFS “hour” hand, I doubt its position is updated more often than once a minute.
btw, there would be 14,4 minutes between each 1/100 day marks, which seems to me smooth enough to not being able to tell the difference within thickness of those thin marks, not to mention within pixelated representation on the watch display.
Couldn’t say exactly how smooth it is, but as I say if the UTC digital time says 275 the hand will tell me it’s 27x so less than a minute I would say. You can certainly see gradual movement between the 100 tick marks.
It would take some digging as this is what the settings panel for that red hand looks like in WFS. Note there is no UTC time zone provided so you have to use Dakar or one other place that does not switch seasonally from GMT+0.
It was easy to investigate, that the adding 30sec to the time in the preview (from 12:00:00 to 12:00:30) did nothing with the hour hand in WFS, so for the comparison of the platforms to be fair, you would have to add that second part even on WFS, which would be something like on the image. (that you could not spot it in WFS, seems the 0.25 degree per minute is probably smooth enough)
A decent test. I do indeed see the same thing where it moves only on the minute.
Still, this is sufficient to put the 10-hour hand about where it ought to be so I’ll live with it. As I say, with the tiny little decimal minute marks the best you can read to the tens place of the equivalent UTC beat time value.
Oh Wow Amazing . I had no Idea that you Cold get a Decimal Watch . The French had surveyed the Planet very accurately and Having come up with the meter as Fraction of it’s Circumference , decided that the meridian should run through Paris . Sadly the attempts to come up with a Decimal Calendar caused many Disputes and a few lost thier heads . Without looking it up I could not remember the detail . @tudza Please change the title of the Topic to include " Decimal " .
I am not sure if I remember correctly but I think they were going to be 30 days to the working month with week off in it or something and the spare days were going to be a Holiday . Sounded like hard work to me .