Anyone noticed a performance lag since 6.02?

6.02 may have fixed the phone battery refresh a little but since then I have noticed a slight lag in facer face performance, growing over time so that I have to restart my phone every day or 2 to clear it.
I am running a fairly simple face with time, date, temp, wind and battery. There were previously no issues with this face.

Fossil Gen 6. Latest Facer and WearOS updates.

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Facer has been doing that on Tizen watches since version 5 first came out. On my watches I normally turn them off to charge or when I switch to another watch. That basically means I’m restarting them every day or 2 already. I’ve been in the habit of shutting them off before I charge them for a couple of years, so I typically don’t have many issues.


I used to restart every week or so as the face started disharging over 12 hours rather than 32 but this has delays between pressing a button and the screen coming up being 5 seconds.


May be just my watch but, im seeing the lag, but also battery draining faster


@tom.itssos. Try clearing your memory. Taking off all the Facer Faces you can. Have a very simple one from Facer. Try just having one Facer Face and one Manufacturers Face. I had a real power drain the other day. A clear out and a Reboot sorted it. If you want to conserve power that Face Swap thing must be a No No. I have vever tried it.

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Seriously, i only swap once, at end of day. I learned about swapping drain from you guys. And, i reboot every other day now, also learned from you all. :wink:

Ill give the wipe thing a try tonight.

Thank you


I tend to reboot the watch every week or so as I find, if using the same, very simple face, it will degrare drom 36 to 12 hours usage after about 4-7 days.Kind of assumed it was a problem with garbage collection leaving crud begind.

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How did an almost identical comment come up in my name?

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