Background Rotation

No previews, but I can say that much that I haven’t even done the hands and I’m wearing it myself - I like the ticks and backgrounds that much.

Wow those are nice jing jangs!

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Great. Your work Your way. Respect.

Actually, the formula for daylight hours is more correctly this:


I totally ignored the minutes for sunrise and sunset in the earlier one.

Edit:L Where did the multiplication stars go??


… there we go.

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Speaking of minutes. Now I see I actually forgot the current hours minutes. So this is the final version - I swear:


So this


needs to be covered (hidden) and have an opening to the left of its center. You will have the actual sun situation there.

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Great well done and you have learnt how to protect formula from getting formatted when pasted here. Will check that when I get up.

I get a Jump just after Midnight . I am still not sure How this gadget is supposed to work .