Bringing the old and broken back to life!

I love finding a photo of a an old broken watch or clock, and using that for a watch face. most enjoyable.


Nice work bud :+1:


I See you got the old Preview up there . How did you do that ?

I noticed a few times that if I paste a link to a face Vintage Recreations - VR227 Vintage Diver - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer and keep typing immediately after the link, the preview looks weird/broken.

EDIT: nevermind, it didn’t happen above. If I paste the same link again below… let’s see what happens…

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And if I paste the same link below yet again and follow it with a blank line and more text…

“More text after blank line”

EDIT: okay then… something has changed/broken in previews.

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A different approach to vintage/antique watches from my approach of recreating them from scratch, but, very nice regardless!

One thing I would have done different: remove the watch’s frame, leaving only the dial, so the entire surface of just the dial occupies the entire face’s space, making the dial larger too.

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Yes @kourosh is right . Did you Generate that Face . the 6 is a bit off centre . Every time I try that the Bot insists I have hands on it , despite begging for none .

I used the embed option, like I had done with the one, you didn’t like before, maybe it showed up different ? not sure what’s going on there.

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usually I do just that, but I rather liked the look of the frame on this one, and decided to keep it in.

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the watch itself is an image I found, but the hands are added in, I tried setting the time to six and it seems fine to me?


I think the source image is a bit stretched in the bottom left quarter due perspective from the view angle.
It can be seen best at 35 minutes. I still think its well done, what should we want from broken old watch?
The seconds dial is off-center by the way the movement was built.

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@Gecks70 . I did some exhaustive tests with Beta off etc.

I found that the only way to get the OLD preview link is to get it on the Web pages from the Preview Share Icon and post the EMBED LINK .

Which is the opposite of what I was doing before . Tom said to strip the garbage off the link but that did not work for me . I wonder if the Site is not updated on all the servers we use . I am certain it will settle down . May be not exactly how we would like it . I remember when they changed Creator . Took a bit of getting used to but we all did quite soon .

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crikey! I went back to the image I was working on, turns out I had a completely uneven square, not only that, but I had it tilted all wrong, and even had to resize it a bit, not entirely perfect but better than it was. Thank you for pointing that out, I would never have noticed! should be somewhat better now!