[BUG?] Several Bugs in Facer Creator’s

From few weeks, I see wrong preview after publication watch faces.
I have problem to preview my design on my phone and my watch but It is ok on the computer.
I have two different android phones from Google and Samsung,
both show the same errors.
my zenwatch3 and my friend huwei, also display bad watch faces.
These problems arose after the software upgrade at the end of February.
So I think, something happened to Creator after new updates.
Does anyone have similar problems, or only I have delusions?
a few examples to support my words:

  • Hands Missing
  • function #DWE# works only If I turn on “Always On” display,
  • lack of animation fluidity,
  • watch face shifted nearly upside down in preview on phone

I invite you to discuss and share your comments on new bugs after Facer latest updates

This is my biggest issue - Missing Elements.

If I would re-publish such a watch face - the missing elements are not present in the watch preview in the app later on.

There is a way (from another discussion) to bring them back, however if you have a lot of elements it is a bit frustrating to do this (almost) every time. Here is the watch face I am talking about ;).

I see this occasionally. The face always publishes complete. It happens to me more so when I copy a face to make another one. I don’t think it has ever happened to me when I start a new design from scratch.


Hello @jmorga106, you would be right. I prepared a watch face from sketch today and everything was perfect. However, when I wanted to change something and at re-publishing it - all semi transparent elements were gone.

I find that if you have missing elements before you publish on the page where you enter your description, just toggle the bright/dim modes. It will refresh and load it properly. Been a victim of the incomplete display getting published… but the toggle seems to fix it.

Hi @Roger_Wilco, thanks for sharing your “trick” with us! It works perfectly and is sooo much faster :wink:

[UPDATE] …well, pity, it does not work on 100% too :frowning:

Interesting, haven’t had it fail me yet. I’ve had to bounce it back and forth until the preview on the publish page showed properly. Then it had the proper look when you see it on the market. Note that I do most of my stuff on PC and just push it to the watch through phone from the web. We do need this fixed however. Workarounds are unacceptable for the long term.

I’m having the same issue. It’s frustrating because when I see the preview on my app or on the site it looks so incomplete. sometimes it is not much more than a blank screen. I’ve found that trick works if you just tweak one of the elements and publish it again, but sometimes it can take a really long time for the design to publish and I hate just staring at the screen while it does that. It’s an issue that has been happening ever since the update to Facer a few weeks ago. It has been slower and buggier ever since then.


Another bug,
does anyone have a free time to check why it works in the Facer Creator’s on the computer ,
but not on the phone or watch.

the element rotates from left to right and covers the background
I’ll just add that I used it a few times before in other faces and there were no problems.

It worked on my design,It would after edit the colour element

I’m glad others are seeing this as well. There has been no response from Support regarding my report of missing elements (hands in my case). I was beginning to wonder if it was only on my account.

Editing to add that I just noticed missing hands on my phone app Watchbox, and My Designs as well. This is not good.:anguished:
When Facer sends ads with the Featured pages to my phone, my watch hands are missing on the Featured selection there as well. I wonder if people actually think those analog faces are without hands!

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@Roger_Wilco Thank you! I pulled my designs that weren’t showing hands and tried editing along with the toggle trick. So far, the hands are back in the Publish Preview and on the phone app’s My Designs.
We shouldn’t have to do that though. Let’s hope it gets fixed somewhere along the way. I think a couple of them were on Featured pages, so I don’t know if editing has any bearing on those, but at least I can stop losing sleep over elements not showing in a couple of places.

I think this bug was fixed a few days ago on Facer Creator http://community.facer.io/t/facer-creator-4-2-18-is-now-live-heart-rate-tag-profile-cover-images

I have the same problem long ago even after the update, in my case I realized that this happens to the images to which I apply color theme or dye and it was solved by sending several times the face!

I have this design that I can not make it look properly! I’ve already sent it several times but it’s still the same!