Buy me a coffee ? option

I was thinking about when i show my watch faces on my own site to add the feature where the grateful user can “buy a cup of Coffee” Does anyone else do something like this? is it frowned upon? by the facer community etc

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As long as you don’t do that in the description of one of your watchfaces on its Facer page or any other Facer owned pages including the Facer Facebook Group page you are fine. If you do it on Facer property, they will terminate your account. One guy even went so far as to put a popup in his watchface that said to remove the popup to buy him a coffee. He was terminated in a heartbeat. Facer doesn’t take kindly to someone muscling in on their racket.


Fair enough its there ball and there game!


As a follow on Ive always thought , withe users full consent and request to “push” a new face say every morning that would only stay and change if you accepted it

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I have had people offer to pay me for doing a requested change on one of my faces. I have a dog that I adopted from the local humane society shelter. I tell them to take whatever they would have given me and donate that amount to their local dog shelter, and we would call it even. I’ve had two so far do that. So, I can say my watch faces have helped homeless dogs. :grin:


That’s awesome.


Good to know… I’ll ask for tea instead! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin: