Can I display prev/next Hr/min/sec?

When using text #Db#, is it possible to display #db#-1 and #Db#+1 on text and have it calculated?
Similarly for #Dm# and #DUs#

Ideally want to display:

(prev hr) (Hr) (next Hr)
(prev min) (Min) (next Min)
(prev sec) (Sec) (next Sec)

on the watchface.

1 small step forward, figure can do (#Dm#-1)

However if the min is 00, I get -1, anyway to wrap back to 59?
Similarly for sec 59, want the next sec to display 00 instead of 60 when using (#DsZ#+1)

In the past with WatchMaker, can do something like:
{dsz}==0 and 59 or {dsz}-1
Is there an equivalent for Facer?

My Work-In-Progress Design:

Previous time digits

First number of hours $(#DhZA#-1)>-1?(#DhZA#-1):(#DhZA#+2-1)$
Second number of hours $(#DhZB#-1)>-1?(#DhZB#-1):(#DhZB#+9)$

First number of minutes $((floor(#DUm#/10))-1)>-1?((floor(#DUm#/10))-1):((floor(#DUm#/10))+5)$
The second number of minutes $((#DUm#%10)-1)>-1?((#DUm#%10)-1):((#DUm#%10)+9)$

First number of seconds $((floor(#DUs#/10))-1)>-1?((floor(#DUs#/10))-1):((floor(#DUs#/10))+5)$
Second number of seconds $((#DUs#%10)-1)>-1?((#DUs#%10)-1):((#DUs#%10)+9)$

The next time digits

First number of hours $(#DhZA#+1)<2?(#DhZA#+1):(#DhZA#-2+1)$
Second number of hours $(#DhZB#+1)<10?(#DhZB#+1):(#DhZB#-10+1)$

First number of minutes $((floor(#DUm#/10))+1)<6?((floor(#DUm#/10))+1):((floor(#DUm#/10))-6+1)$
The second number of minutes $((#DUm#%10)+1)<10?((#DUm#%10)+1):((#DUm#%10)-10+1)$

First number of seconds $((floor(#DUs#/10))+1)<6?((floor(#DUs#/10))+1):((floor(#DUs#/10))-6+1)$
Second number of seconds $((#DUs#%10)+1)<10?((#DUs#%10)+1):((#DUs#%10)-10+1)$
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Thanks lucky.andrei for the formula, will have to study yours for a bit to understand the logic

Manage to get (prev/next +/- 1) working for Hr & Min, with following:
Previous hour works using $(#Db#-1)=0?12:(#Db#-1)$
Next hour works using $(#Db#+1)=13?1:(#Db#+1)$

Previous minute work using $(#Dm#-1)=-1?59:(#Dm#-1)$
Next minute works using $(#Dm#+1)=60?0:(#Dm#+1)$

Now have to figure out: (pre/next +/-2) and (pre/next +/-3)
Special scenario:
(minute = 58,59,00,01)
(second = 58,59,00,01,02)

Can I use boolean for (#Dm#-2) as it has 2 condition: if -2 (want 58) and if -1 (want 59)
(#Ds#-3) can have -3, -2, and -1

Once I figure the previous 3 sec, the next 3 sec is similar concept

Something similar to following (not sure if I explain clearly or not). Kind-of nested if scenario?

For (#ds#-3)
If #Ds#==0, then display 57 or if #Ds#==1, then display 58 or if #Ds#==2, then display 59, else use #Ds#-3

With watchmaker, the equivalent tag would be:
{dsz}==0 and 57 or {dsz}==1 and 58 or {dsz}==2 and 59 or {dsz}-3

Have enabled Inspect mode:

Any help on tag for ‘Prev 2 min’, ‘Next 2 min’, ‘Prev 3 sec’ and ‘Next 3 sec’ will be appreciated.

ALL Resolved :slight_smile:




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Please note that these nested conditions do not work on all watches.
Also, you are using #Db#, which is 12h or 24h based on a users preference. Your expression is made for 12h mode only, so you should use #Dh# instead.

Here is one I made for someone on the forum that asked for something similar, using modulus (with leading zeros if needed).
Inspection is enabled:

Without leading zeros it will be as simple as (well the hours are a bit complicated, but the minutes and seconds are not):



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Pre Hr (((#Dh#+10)%12)+1)?
Next Hr (((#Dh#+10)%12)+3)?

Having some weird when clock is midnight (00:00), 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00 for previous and next hour.

That expression is for 12h clock, not 24h.
It would be something like
Look in inspection mode if you want to increase the hours more than 1

Can I change formula from (((#Dh#)%12)+1) to (((#Dk#+22)%24)+1) when the user flip 12/24H switch?

Will use following for now, thank you for ALL the help!



Hi @michael.ding, I don’t think the hours work the way you have now.
It all depends a little what you want. I am assuming this:

  • You want automatic switch between 12h and 24h
  • You want 24h shown as 0 tot 23 (default), not 1 to 24
  • You don’t want leading zeros

If any of those should be different, let me know, the expressions will change.
-2: $#DTIMEFORMAT#==24?((#DH#+22)%24):(((#Dh#+10-1)%12)+1)$
-1: $#DTIMEFORMAT#==24?((#DH#+23)%24):(((#Dh#+11-1)%12)+1)$
0: #Db#
+1: $#DTIMEFORMAT#==24?((#DH#+1)%24):(((#Dh#+1-1)%12)+1)$
+2: $#DTIMEFORMAT#==24?((#DH#+2)%24):(((#Dh#+2-1)%12)+1)$

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Thanks a lot Mattie, I was looking to solve the same matter.
Your are a genius! And your advices are always valuable
Thanks again

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