Can it be done?

@jhagie65 Commented on the PoC so I’ll copy it in here:

I can’t thank you enough! I love this so much, in fact, you should send it to the guys at Lectric so they can use it too. I know they’ll love it as much as I do.~

I’ll do some tidying up, sprinkle on some Dragon magic and publish it.

Thanks to all!


Watchface is now Live. Yay!


Well Done @EBD . I will forward stuff to Lectric on the back of the previous Email I sent . Good project @jhagie65 .


@EBD @jhagie65 :+1::slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I knew they would like it. You did a great job on it Russ.

Thank you


@jhagie65 . You will find the Community jumps to a good project and someone who stays with the Topic and Appreciates the effort . I am not actually making much on Creator these says . I am trying to learn how to use another platform but they keep moving the Goal posts . Facer has made available for more than one Reason the Best Community that I have come across .


And you got paid for the work I hope? :slight_smile:

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I think Because the Request came from our end it would not be a fair trade . Now if they come back and requested a New Design for Publication we could talk about a Fee then . Legaly it would have to be Paid Via Little Labs as they would actually be the Publisher . Stand by we could make a Fortune HERE .

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I made like a second salary when I did interface design for mobile devices. It was sometimes way more than I made as a system specialist. But oh boy was it stressful. Would not want to do that again. :smiley:

Anyway, work should be rewarded,

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When I’ve done that in the past, the companies sent me swag and/or software in order not to get into the fee situation.

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They used to send me mobile devices and software to use. Like Adobe Illustrator or the latest phones.

Still demanded a fee though.

I remember one company that had to have a board meeting to approve every little change in the design.

I think the way to do it is to specify a price and included in it a couple of changes and updates. After that it would cost them to demand more.

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I’ve never demanded a fee. Enjoying what I do is enough for me. I do enjoy the swag because it is branded and not many others have the same. As far as my work at Facer making people happy and knowing that they appreciate what I do is the best payment.


Yes, that is why make watch faces. For people to enjoy. :slight_smile: